SSC exam is knocking at the door. The pressure is increasing on the students day by day. The preparation for the last time is very important for students. Because this is the last chance to preparing yourself for the examination. The result of this exam will play a huge role in the life of the students. In that case, the preparation should be the highest.

Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exam will start from 1st February 2025. The exam will continue for a month. In this year 13, 15,002 students participated in this exam. So this is going to be a big competition. A student can achieve a good result if he or she takes good preparation. Today we give you a suggestion about English 1st paper which is helping you to take better preparation in this subject. There are many students who are always afraid of this subject. This article will help to overcome the fear of this subject. So, let’s start.
Table of Contents
Question Pattern
Total Marks: 100
Part A: Reading Test [50 marks]
Seen passage 1 (Ques. 1-2)
- Ques. 1 – MCQ [marks: 1*7=7]
- Ques. 2 – Answering ques. (open-ended and close-ended) [marks: 2*5=10]
Seen passage 2 (Ques. 3)
- Ques. 3 – Cloze test without clues [marks: 1*5=5]
Unseen passage (Ques. 4-5)
- Ques. 4 – Information transfer [marks: 1*5=5]
- Ques. 5 – Summarizing [marks: 10]
Other Questions (Ques. 6-7)
- Ques. 6 – Matching [marks: 1*5= 5]
- Ques. 7 – Rearrange [marks: 08]
Part B: Writing Test [Marks 50]
Question 8-12
- Ques. 8 – Paragraph [marks: 10]
- Ques. 9- Completing Story [marks: 10]
- Ques. 10- Describing Graph/Charts [marks: 10]
- Ques. 11- Writing short dialogues [marks: 10]
This is the question pattern of the English 1st paper exam. Education Board of Bangladesh said that this pattern is unchangeable.
Suggestion for MCQ and Answering Questions (Ques. 1-2)
Introduction of the question: Seen Comprehension [From Textbook]
SL | Name of the Passage | Unit | Lesson |
1 | A responsibility is a duty.……………and country as a whole | 1 | 4(B) |
2 | Traditional childhood………………..outside the classroom | 2 | 3(A) |
3 | 21 February is observed………………and multilingualism | 3 | 4(B) |
4 | It was in the 17th century……… can explore in India | 6 | 4(A) |
5 | Before the beginning of……….in the year 2011 | 7 | 2(B) |
6 | ‘Heritage’ is what we inherit………beauties of Bangladesh | 8 | 1(B) |
7 | Lake Baikal is the deepest……….Baikal is exceptional | 8 | 4(C) |
8 | In a speech at the 90th science……..mankind in the 21st century | 11 | 2(B) |
9 | Michael Madhusudan Dutt……..Meghnad Badh Kabya | 12 | 3(A) |
10 | The Internet Technology…….be shared with others | 13 | 2(B) |
Cloze Test without Clues (Ques. 3)
Introduction of the question: Seen Comprehension [From Textbook]
SL | Name of the Passage | Unit | Lesson |
1 | A responsibility is a duty……………of all before law | 7 | 1(A) |
2 | Today there are many jobs……….unemployment youths | 4 | 5(D) |
3 | Mother Teresa was moved by………lives in our mind | 7 | 6(D) |
4 | Fish population……..and poverty | 5 | 4(C) |
5 | 26 March, Our Independence………….the river Buriganga | 3 | 5(B) |
6 | Water pollution spreads……….water can be easily polluted | 5 | 2(B) |
7 | Moitry Mutsuddi’s father is a……..a teacher as I’m brilliant | 10 | 1(A) |
8 | Human flow from the rural…… you minimize pollution | 12 | 4(B) |
9 | In our online education……….many parts of the world | 13 | 3(C) |
10 | Michael Phelps is the most…….be considered legends | 2 | 2(B) |
Information Transfer and Summary (Ques. 4-5)
Introduction of the question: Unseen Comprehension [Out of Textbook]
SL | Name of the Passage | Source |
1 | On 23rd January 2018, twelve…..rescued in the next three days | DB 2019 |
2 | Yuri Gagarin was a Russian…..He died in 1968 in a plane crash | RB 2019 |
3 | SAARC is a regional organization..…the neighboring counties | SB 2019 |
4 | Begum Sufia Kamal poet….Dhaka on 10 November 1999 | DB 2017 |
5 | Neil Armstrong was the first….off the surface of the Moon | CB 2017 |
6 | Munshi Abdur Rauf was a Lance….of bravely in Bangladesh | DjB 2017 |
7 | Albert Einstein, the greatest….April 1955 in Princeton | DB 2015 |
8 | Statistics show that about 350….good jobs and better salaries | Find out from the test paper |
9 | Galileo Galilei was born in 1564….the age of seventy-seven in 1642 | Find out from the test paper |
10 | Nelson Mandela was born in….following a lungs illness | Find out from the test paper |
11 | Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir was……highest state honor of Birsrestho | Find out from the test paper |
Matching (Ques. 6)
For this question, you can read the following board question which is given below.
- DB 19, JB 19, CB 19, CtgB 19, BB 19, DB 16, DjB 19, DB 17, RB 17, JB 17, CB 17, CtgB 17, SB 17, BB 17, CB 15, BB 16, DjB 16, RB 16, DjB 17, DB 15, CtgB 15, BB 15, DjB 15.
Those questions you can find in your Test Paper.
Re-arrange Sentence (Ques. 7)
For this question, you can follow those board questions which are mentioned below. Following suggestions are important rearrange for SSC 2025
- DB 19, JB 19, CB 19, CtgB 19, BB 19, DB 16, DjB 19, DB 17, RB 17, JB 17, CB 17, CtgB 17, SB 17, BB 17, CB 15, BB 16, DjB 16, RB 16, DjB 17, DB 15, CtgB 15, BB 15, DjB 15.
Paragraph (Ques. 8)
- Traffic Jam
- Water Pollution
- Tree Plantation
- A Street Hawker
- Load shedding
- School Library
- School Magazine
- A Tea Stall
- Winter Morning
- A Moonlight Night
- A Book Fair
- The Life of a Farmer
Completing Story (Ques. 9)
- Who will Bell the Cat? Or Easier to say but difficult to do.
- Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
- Failure is the Pillar of Success.
- A Witty Crow/Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
- Rumour results in Tragedy.
- A Liar Cowboy/Nobody Believes a Liar.
- Unity is Strength.
- A Tale of Two Friends
- The Goose that Laid Gold Eggs.
- Cruel Fate.
Describing Graph and Charts (Ques. 10)
- Passing rates of different subjects of the students of a school. [CB 19]
- The interest of a secondary school in different subjects. [CtgB 19, BB 16]
- The choice of professions by different educated youths in Bangladesh. [RB 19, CtgB 17]
- The percentage of supporters of different games of a country. [SB 19]
- A comparative selling rate of five kinds of books in Ekushey Boi Mela 2015. [RB 16 & 17, SB 15]
- Internet users from 2000 to 2009. [SB 15, DB 17]
- The result of the JSC examination of DBC Secondary School from 2004-2008. [SB 17]
- Yearly imports and exports (Billon Dollar) of a country. [DB 16]
- The percentage of a family’s household income distribution in different categories.[RB 15]
- Some information about Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, and China. [DjB 15]
Writing Informal Letters/E-mails (Ques. 11)
- Describing the picnic at a historical place of interest.
- To your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after the SSC exam.
- Describing the importance of physical exercise.
- Describing your experience of undergoing a train journey.
- Describing the co-curriculum activities of your school.
- Thanking friend for the birthday present he sent to you.
- Inviting your friend to join a picnic.
- Describing the sports day of your school.
- To your pen-friend describing the foods and the food habits of the people of Bangladesh.
- Informing the procedures of opening a bank account.
Dialogue Writing (Ques. 12)
- Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of ‘Physical Exercise’
- The importance of learning the computer.
- The advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life.
- The importance of sports in our life.
- Describing the annual prize-giving ceremony of your school.
- About the importance of education in the development of a nation.
- About the importance of tree plantation.
- About your aim in life.
- About the good effects of a morning walk.
- The bad effect of copying in the exam.
Here we are going to finish our discussion about English 1st paper exam suggestion for SSC examination 2025. Hope that this article will help you to take better preparation in this subject. This suggestion specially made for English 1st paper. If you want to know more information about this subject then you can contact us by using the comment section. Best of luck for your examination. Stay connected to other subjects’ suggestions.
thanks a lot . very informative post. for the examinees