Earning money is not easy for all. If you are skilled enough, you can earn money easily. In Bangladesh, there are two types of opportunities to earn money. In this post, we are discussing how to make money in Bangladesh. Job Business Earn Money by doing a job There lot of job opportunities in Bangladesh. […]
Bkash Charges: Cash Out, Send Money, Payment and Others
If you are regular users of bKash then you may be aware of the bKash charges. bKash has recently updated their charges. According to their official notices, we are providing here the latest information of bKash charges. bKash cash out charges bKash has different options for cash out. One can cash out their money from […]
How to check passport status by SMS in Bangladesh?
How to check passport status by SMS in Bangladesh? Fortunately, the Bangladesh government provides facilities to check the passport status from home. There are two ways of checking passport status. The first one is online; the second one is through mobile SMS. We have covered both systems here. By following the steps, you can quickly […]