If you want to travel Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka, now you have a new option for a comfortable journey which is Train. Today we are going to discuss about Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train Schedule with Ticket Price. At this time, there are two intercity trains, Cox’s Bazar Express and Parjatak Express. The Cox’s Bazar Express start its journey on December 1st, 2023, being the first train on this route. This train ensures a comfortable and affordable travel experience for everyone. Responding to the people’s demand, another train, Parjatak Express, has been recently added to this route. Let’s discuss how you can purchase a Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train ticket.

Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train List
Only two trains operate between Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka, providing limited train travel options on this route currently. Additionally, it should be noted that there are no mail train has been added by the authorities on this route.
The intercity trains are:
- Cox’s Bazar Express
- Parjatak Express
Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train Schedule
Cox’s Bazar Express and Parjatak Express are the two trains on this route. Parjatak Express (815) doesn’t operate on Sundays, and Cox’s Bazar Express (813) is off on Tuesdays. Departing from Cox’s Bazar at 8:00 pm, Cox’s Bazar Express (813) arrives in Dhaka at 9:10 pm. Parjatak Express (815) leaves Cox’s Bazar at 8:00 pm and reaches Dhaka at 4:00 am.
Train Name | From | Departure Time | To | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Parjotak Express (815) | Cox’s Bazar | 08:00 pm | Dhaka | 04:30 am | Sunday |
Cox’s Bazar Express (813) | Cox’s Bazar | 12:30 pm | Dhaka | 09:10 pm | Tuesday |
Cox’s Bazar Express
Cox’s Bazar Express started its journey on December 1, 2023 as the first commercial train in Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka route. This train holding the number 813 from Cox’s Bazar and 814 from Dhaka. This train operates six days of a week and Tuesday is the off day for 813 and Monday for 814. Its departure time from Cox’s Bazar at 12:30 pm and arrives at Dhaka at 09:10 pm.
Cox’s Bazar Express Train Schedule and Sub-stations from Cox’s Bazar
In the following part, you can easily check the sub-stations of Cox’s Bazar Express train, along with the times of departure and arrival.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Cox’s Bazar | N/A | 12:30 PM |
Chattogram | 3:40 PM | 4:00 PM |
Dhaka | 9:10 PM | N/A |
Parjatak Express
The Parjatak Express, the most recent added train in Cox’s Bazar, has been operating between Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar railway station since January 10, 2024. As the second commercial train on this route, it ensures a comfortable journey in this route. This train holds the numbers 815 from Cox’s Bazar and 816 from Dhaka. The Parjatak Express links Dhaka, Dhaka Airport, Chittagong, and Cox’s Bazar six days a week, taking a break on Sunday. This train departs from Cox’s Bazar at 08:00 pm and arrives at Dhaka at 04:30 am.
Parjatak Express Train Schedule and Sub-stations from Cox’s Bazar
In the upcoming section, you can easily find details about the Parjatak Express train, including its sub-stations, departure, and arrival times.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Cox’s Bazar | N/A | 8:00 PM |
Chattogram | 10:50 PM | 11:15 PM |
Dhaka | 4:30 AM | N/A |
Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Look at the prices for the Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka train tickets to plan your trip. Know how much it costs for a budget-friendly journey.
Seat Types | Total Price |
SNIGDHA | 1325 BDT |
S_CHAIR | 695 BDT |
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Schedule
There are two trains operating on this route, with Cox’s Bazar Express (814) not running on Mondays. If you’re looking to book a ticket from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar, check out the schedule below:
Train Name | From | Departure Time | To | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Parjotak Express (816) | Dhaka | 06:15 am | Cox’s Bazar | 03:00 pm | Sunday |
Cox’s Bazar Express (814) | Dhaka | 10:30 pm | Cox’s Bazar | 07:20 am | Monday |

Parjotak Express Train Schedule from Dhaka
From Dhaka parjotak express start its journey at 06:15 am for Cox’s Bazar. At 06:38 am it arrives at Biman_Bandar stations and departs at 06:43 am. As well as, this train departs from Chattogram station at 11:40 am and arrives at Cox’s Bazar at 03:00 pm. Sunday is the off day of this train.
Cox’s Express Train Schedule from Dhaka
The Cox’s Bazar Express follow a specific schedule for its arrival and departure time. Departing from Dhaka at 10:30 PM, it arrives at Biman_Bandar at 10:53 PM, departing five minutes later at 10:58 PM. The train then reaches Chattogram at 3:40 AM, with a long break until 4:00 AM. Finally, it arrives at Cox’s Bazar at 7:20 AM, concluding its journey at this station.
In conclusion, for those traveling from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka, the Cox’s Bazar Express and Parjatak Express are the two available intercity trains and best option from them. Hope that you will get every information’s about Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train Schedule with Ticket Price. Cox’s Bazar Express operates six days a week with an off day on Tuesday, while Parjatak Express has Sunday off day. Enjoy the amazing views of nature as you ride with the Cox’s Bazar Express and Parjatak Express on this route.
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