Bangladesh is a land of festivals. Different kinds of festivals are celebrated here. These festivals are different types. Some of the festivals have religious value, some of the festivals have traditional backgrounds. Some of them are celebrated as a national festival. National festivals have some historical background. Most of the national festivals of Bangladesh are related to the history of Bangladesh. Here We have written all kinds of festivals in Bangladesh.
Table of Contents
Muslim Festivals
Muslim is the largest community in Bangladesh. Most of the people of Bangladesh believes in Islam. So, Islamic festivals are the biggest festivals in Bangladesh. Bangladesh governments pay supreme priority to Islamic festivals. Here we have discussed the different Islamic festivals of Bangladesh.
Eid ul-Fitr

After the end of one-month fasting, Muslim celebrates Eid-ul-Fitr. Eid-ul-Fitr is the first day of the Arabic Shawal month. It is one of the biggest festivals of Bangladesh as well as for the Muslim. Bangladesh Government declares three days public holiday on this occasion. People of class exchange greetings to their friends and families.

Eid-ul-Adha is the second-largest festivals of the Muslim community. Eid-ul-Adha is also known as Bakr-Id. It is actually a festival of sacrifices. Muslims observe this day to the memory of Ibrahim (A) who sacrifices his son for the pleasure of Allah(SWT). There are two major festivals in Islam. Eid-ul-Adha is the second one.
Chaand Raat
The night before the Eid-ul-Fitr is known as Chand Rat. Chaand is the synonym of Moon. Raat for the night. The night when the Arabic Shawal month’s moon has been sighted is known as Chaand Raat. People especially younger celebrates this night with great enthusiasm. People love to finish the preparation of Eid on this night.
According to the Arabic Callender, Ashura is the tenth day of Arabic First Month Muharram. On this day, The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s grandson Imam Husayn (R) has been killed at the battle of Karbala. To remember the history and commemorates the death, this day is observed in Muslim Country like Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc.
Eid-e-Meeladun Nabi

Prophets in Islam Muhammad (SAW) was born in the Islamic third month Rabiul-Awal. According to the Islamic Callendar, the date was 12th Rabi-ul-Awal. The Muslim Ummah celebrates this day as a birth date of Prophet (SAW). The people remember the activity of Prophet (SAW) and arrange a different religious program on this day. The day is a public holiday in Bangladesh.

Shab-e-Qadr is also known as the night of decree. According to the Islamic belief, Prayer on this night is better than the thousands night’s prayer. It is one of the nights of the last 10 days of Arabic Month Ramadan. According to the Holy Quran, The Quran has been revealed to the Muslim. Most of the Islamic Scholar says that it is the night of 27th Ramadan. Muslim observes this day with great enthusiasm.

Shab-E-Barat is the night between 14th and 15th of Arabic month Shaban. According to the Islamic belief, on this night, Allah (SWT) forgive the sinner on this night and the fortune of the human are decided. This night is also known as Lailatul Barat.
Shab E Meraj

The night when the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) meets with Allah. According to the different Islamic sources, on this night Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ascends to the sky. He visualizes the Heaven and hell. The five times Salat has been revealed during this time. Muslim community observes this night with different kinds of prayers.
Hindu Festivals
Although God has no form, He emerges in many forms on this earth for the welfare of mankind. When a certain nature or power of God is expressed through a certain shape or form, that form is called a certain deity or a god. For example, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Kali, Laksmi, Saraswati, etc are gods and goddesses. Brahma is God of creation, Lord Vishnu is God of nurturing and protection and Siva is God of destruction.
For the worship of God, the Hindu Community observes different puja. These are the Hindu Festivals of Bangladesh. We have discussed it here.
Durga Puja

Durga puja is one of the major religious festivals of the Hindu community in Bangladesh, Indian sub-continent and many other countries of the world. There has been a time of celebrating Durga puja twice a year. In the fourth mint of Ashwin, Sharadio Durga puja takes place and in the fourth night of Chaitra, Basanti puja is arranged. In Bangladesh and West Bengal of India, ‘Sharodio Durga outset’ is declared from the day of Mahalaya. In the month of Aswin, at the fourth night is the day of shoshthi, the idol of godennes Durga is established and sharodio Durgauthshab starts and lasts until the fifth-day dashimi In the day of Dashimi, the Dashami puja is done and with that Sharodio Durgastshon is declared over. In some places, at the fortnight of Aswing, in the mentioned day Druga puja is celebrated. But from shoshthi, officially Durga puja starts and this custom is much better.
Krishna Janmashtami

Sree Krishna himself is God- “Krishnastu Bhagaban Swayam’. He took birth in the human body for the welfare of this world. He destroyed the evil power and save the righteous. Krishna Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Sree Krishna. Hindu Community observes this day with great enthusiasm in Bangladesh
Kali Puja

Usually, Kali Puja arranged in the night of Amaboshya (Dark fortnight). Kali Puja is generally organized after Durga Puja. It is held at midnight in the month of Kartik and Agrahyan. In the evening, a light festival called Diwali is performed. To get rid of various epidemics such as cholera, chickenpox, storm, floods, drought, Raksha Kali or Shyama Kali puja is arranged.
Kali Puja is performed in the house or in the temple by making a statue, like Durga puja. Kali Puja begins with the establishment of life (Pran Protistha) of Devi. Devi Kali is offered Pronam after meditating and offering Puja, Arati, and Bhoga (offering).
Buddhist Religious Festival
In Bangladesh, Buddhist are minority groups. There are very few Buddhist are living in Bangladesh. Buddhist has very few festivals. Out of the festivals, Buddha Purnima is the major festivals of Bangladesh. Here we have discussed the Buddha Purnima
Buddha Purnima

Gautama Buddha is called the exponent of the Principles of Equality. Principles of Equality comprise two words, principles and equality. In short, this means justice, basic rights, equity and sense of respect for others and so on. It is one of the most acceptable doctrines by which we can establish peace in the society removing all the differences. This is widely practiced in the religion of the Buddha. The Buddha has given much importance on this in the maintenance of His Sangha because He could very well realize that to ensure peace is not possible without justice. He tried to remove all the obstacles of society through the principles of equality. Buddha Jayanti is celebrated on the birth date of Gautam Buddha by the Buddhist community in Bangladesh.
Like other religious people, Christian of Bangladesh also observes different festivals in Bangladesh. Two major religious festivals are Christmas and Easter Sunday. These two days have been declared as a public holiday in Bangladesh.
Boro Din or Christmas

25th December is the most important day of the Christian Community. Jesus Christ was born on this day. People around the world celebrate the birthday of Jesus on 25th December. On this day, they cooked different types of food and supplies gift to the younger. Bangladesh government declares this day as a government holiday.
Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is also known as Easter or Resurrection Sunday. Bangladesh Government declares this day as a public holiday. It is believed that, Jesus resurrection from death on this day. According to the New Testament, Christian people celebrate this day to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus
Folk Festivals in Bangladesh
Bangladesh has different traditional festivals. How this festival had been introduced first is not clear. But all these festivals become our tradition. These festivals are widely known as folk festivals. Here are some folk festivals list with details.
Pahela Baishakh

Pahela Baishakh is the first day of Bangla New year. The day is usually 14th April. People of all classes celebrate this day to welcome the Bangla year. Shop keepers open new Halkhata on this day. In the last decade, we have seen that different educational institution arranges rally on this occasion. Different new cuisines are being cooked on this day. The whole country becomes a festive look.
Basanta Utsab-Pahela Falgun

After the end of Winter, the new leaves come out in the spring. People love to welcome the spring in Bangladesh. The first day of Spring is known as Pahela Falgun. The country people celebrate this day. The festival is known as the Basanta Utsab. Girls and boys war Basanti Colored Saree and Panjabi on this occasion.

Nabanna is celebrated after the harvesting period of crops. Bangladesh is an Agro-based country. The people of Bangladesh are solely depending on Agriculture. During the time of winter, farmers harvest their crops. They make the celebration this time as Nabanna. The different fair has been arranged. Food is served to the people. Music and dance are performed on this occasion
Bangladesh is a land of fair. Fairs have been arranged every month of the year by the different community of Bangladesh. Making a list of fairs is one of the most difficult tasks. We have provided some of the famous fair lists here. We will add more
Ekushey Book Fair

On the first day of February month, Ekushey Book Fair has been arranged. It runs until the end of February. Every year this book fair has been arranged on Bangla Academy premises. The writers, publishers, students and the readers make a huge gathering on this fair. It is the largest book fair in Bangladesh.
International Trade Fair
The international trade fair is organized in all the division of Bangladesh. Out of the Dhaka International Trade, the fair is the most remarkable one. On this fair, all kinds of products including national and international are available there. People love to buy their demanding products from the international trade fair.
National Festivals of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Government officially observes some days as a national day. Those days are declared as a public holiday. All of the days have some historical facts. We observe this day to remind that history. The National Festivals are described below.
International Mother Language Day and Shaheed Dibos

The 21st February has been commemorated each year as Shahid Dibosh for the Bengalee form the following year of the Language Movement in 1952. Every year in the midnight at 12.01 am on 21st February all the people including the President and the Prime Minister of the country lay flowers and bouquets on the Shahid Minar to pay homage to the martyrs of the language. Processions (Provat Fery, singing a special song for Ekusheey has become an indispensable part of the Bengalee culture.
Shahid Dibosh. has been accredited by the international community as an extraordinary incident in world history. 21st February’ has been declared as ‘International Mother Language Day’ on 17 November 1999 in the General Assembly of the UNESCO in Paris. Since 2000.
Independence Day of Bangladesh
25th march is the Independence Day of Bangladesh. On this day of 1971, Pakistani Army ran a brutal killing to the unarmed Bangladeshi people of Bangladesh. The great leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh on this day. After the declaration of Independence, Bangabandhu had been arrested on that night. But the declaration of Independence was very important for the nation. We, Bangladeshi People, observe this day to remind our memory about the declaration of independence and pay tribute to the martyrs of 25th March 1971
National Mourning Days
Bangladesh observes the national mourning day on 15 August. On the date of August 15, 1975, Father of the Nation of Bangladesh Bangabandhu had been killed along with his family members. It was the black day of Bangladesh history. On this day, the government republic of Bangladesh pays tribute to the monument of Bangabandhu. Bangladesh Awami League and other socio cultural-political organization arrange different programs.
Armed Forces Day of Bangladesh
It is 21st November 1971 when all the armed forces of Bangladesh jointly work for the freedom of Bangladesh in the liberation war. On this day, Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air forces made operation combinedly against the Pakistani Army. As it was the day of formation Bangladesh Armed forces, the day is observed by the Bangladesh Governments.
Martyred Intellectuals Day
When Pakistan Armed forces were confirmed about the defeat on the Liberation War of Bangladesh. They planned to kill the Intellectual class. According to their plan, they made a list of Intellectual which includes teacher, lawyer, doctors, and many others. On the eve of the victory, the killed thousands of Intellectuals of Bangladesh. It was the red-letter day of Bangladesh History. Bangladesh government observes this day as Martyred Intellectuals Day. December 14 is the Martyred Intellectuals Day of Bangladesh
Victory Day of Bangladesh
After the Nine-Month war, Bangladesh gets independence from Pakistan. Our liberation war plays an important role in our national life. Pakistani Invader surrendered to the joint force on 16 December 1971. Bangladesh has emerged as a new nation in the world. The Bangladesh government and people of Bangladesh observe this day with great enthusiasm. We love to pay tribute to the martyrs of freedom at National Monument of Savar
These are all about the festivals of Bangladesh. If you have any question regarding the major festivals of Bangladesh let me know through the comments section. We will add it here.
Thank you.