Dhaka to Tangail train journey is one of the most wonderful journeys for me. If anyone wants to visit the Northern part and Southern part of Bangladesh through Bangladesh Railway, then he has to go via Tangail. So, Dhaka to Tangail Train route has many trains.
If you want to make a journey from Dhaka to Tangail or reversely Tangail to Dhaka, you need to know about Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule. Here we have focused on this topic.

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Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule
Dhaka to Tangail route has a lot of trains. There is 11 Intercity train available on that route. Here is the detailed timetable according to Bangladesh Railway. Though there are enough trains on this route there are no dedicated train services for Dhaka to Tangail. Most of the intercity train has a stoppage in Tangail. Let check the complete schedule. All the train timetable is from the Bimanbandar / Airport station.
Train Name (Number) | Departure Time | Off Day |
Ekota Express ( 705) | 10:15 am | |
Lalmoni express (751) | 09:45 pm | Friday |
Silkcity express (753) | 02:40 pm | Sunday |
Drutojan express (757) | 08:00 pm | Wednesday |
Padma express (759) | 10:45 pm | Tuesday |
Chitra express (764) | 07:30 pm | Sunday |
Dhumketu express (769) | 06:00 am | Thursday |
Sirajganj express (776) | 04:15 pm | Saturday |
Disclaimer: This schedule is based on the Bangladesh Railway Website. Bangladesh Railway is authorized to change the train timetable anytime.
Tangail to Dhaka Train Schedule
Tangail to Dhaka trains is the same as Dhaka to Tangail. The same train runs across the route. If you want to visit Tangail to Dhaka by train then the following train Schedule may help you to reach Dhaka as your destination. Though Trains are the same, schedule and train numbers vary.
Name (Train No) | Off Day | Departure |
Ekota Express (706) | 5:47 am | |
Lalmoni Express (752) | Friday | 05:28 pm |
Silk city Express (754) | Sunday | 11:08 am |
Drutojan Express (758) | 04:46 pm | |
Padma Express (760) | Tuesday | 07:25 pm |
Chitra Express (763) | Sunday | 03:59 pm |
Sirajgonj Express (775) | Saturday | 07:54 am |
Tangail Commuter (1034) | Friday | 06:52 am |
Dhaka to Tangail / Tangail to Dhaka Train Schedule (Train Wise)
Ekota Express:
Ekota Express runs Dhaka – Dinajpur route. From Dhaka, the Train Number is 705 and reversely From Dinajpur, the train number is 706. At 10.15 AM the train starts its journey from Dhaka and Reaches Biman Bandar at 10.43 AM. It takes 01 h 47m to reach Tangail from Dhaka Kamlapur Railway station.
Similarly, From Tangail it starts the journey at 5.47 AM and reaches Dhaka Kamalapur Railway station at 7.50 AM.
Lalmoni Express
Lalmoni Express runs every day except Friday a week. The train carries 751 and 752 Numbers on his journey. From 9:45 PM it starts the journey from Dhaka and 05:28 pm from Tangail. The total duration to reach Dhaka to Tangail is about 2 hours.
Silkcity Express
This train runs from Dhaka to Rajshahi or Rajshahi to Dhaka Route. On the way, it halts on Tangail. It starts the journey from Dhaka at 2.40 PM holding 753 number. If you want to start the journey from Tangail, then you should know that it takes stoppages at 11:08 am. The train number is 754 from Tangail. Sunday is the off day.
Drutojan Express
From the Airport Station of Dhaka, Drutojan Express starts the journey at 08:28 pm while reversely from Tangail it runs to Dhaka at 04:46 pm. 757 and 758 are the train number from Dhaka and Tangail respectively.
Padma Express
The train carries 759 and 760 numbers while runs on Dhaka to Tangail route. Padma Express starts its journey at 11:13 pm from the airport station to Rajshahi. It reaches Tangail at 12:32 am.
Similarly, at 07:25 pm it starts its journey to Dhaka from Tangail. It reaches Dhaka at 9.25 pm. Padma Express runs 7 days a week.
Chitra Express
Train Number 764 and 765 indicate the name of Chitra Express. Chitra Express runs Dhaka to Khulna Via Tangail. It starts the journey from Dhaka at 7.30 PM in the evening. From Khulna, it starts journey 09:00 am and Reaches Tangail station at 03:57 pm. Therefore, if you want to make a Journey from Tangail to Dhaka by Chitra Express then you have to present on Chitra Express before 3.20 PM.
Sirajgonj Express
The Train’s name indicates its destination place. It follows the way from Dhaka to Sirajgonj via Tangail. It departs from Dhaka at 04:15 pm from Dhaka and 07:54 am from Tangail. The train doesn’t run on Saturday. The train number according to Bangladesh Railway is 775 and 776.
Dhumketu Express
Dhumketu Express is the train of Dhaka to Rajshahi Route. But it is only a one-way train. If you want to make a trip from Dhaka Then you can choose Dhumketu Express. It halts on Tangail on its way to Rajshahi but it doesn’t have stoppage if from Rajshahi. Dhumketu Express runs 6.00 am from Dhaka and 6.28 am from Airport Stations.
Tangail Commuter
Tangail Commuter doesn’t run on Friday. It starts its journey from Tangail at 06:52 am. Similarly, From Dhaka station, it also runs from Dhaka at 06:00 pm.
Mail train
There is another mail train on this route Which departs from Tangail at 8.42 AM and reaches Dhaka at 11.00 AM. Mail train runs every day in a week. Except for this, all the above mention trains are Intercity trains.
Video Review of Dhaka-Tangail Train
Dhaka to Tangail Train Ticket Prices
Bangladesh Railway has a different class system on its services. Ticket price also varies from class to class. Here are all the train ticket prices. It is noted that sometimes ticket prices can vary according to the train name. It is in the general ticket price.
Serial No | Class Name | Ticket Price |
1 | AC_S | 265 BDT |
2 | S_CHAIR | 115 BDT |
3 | SNIGDHA | 219 BDT |
4 | SHOVAN | 95 BDT |
5 | F_SEAT | 179 BDT |
6 | AC_B | 397 BDT |
This is the complete information of the Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule. I hope this train schedule and the train ticket price will help you to make a nice trip. Have a safe journey
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