Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule is important to plan a trip from Dhaka to Jamalpur or Jamalpur to Dhaka. Here we cover Dhaka to Jamalpur Train schedule with ticket prices. We also write details about different types of trains. Here you will find separately Dhaka to Jamalpur intercity train schedule and mail train schedule.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train list
Though Jamalpur District is a part of Mymensingh District, there are few trains which run from Dhaka to Jamalpur or Jamalpur to Dhaka. According to the Bangladesh Railway, there are four intercity trains run on Dhaka to Jamalpur route. The trains are
- Tista Express
- Aghnibina
- Bhrammaputra Express
- Jamuna Express
Three mail trains also make a journey on the same route. The mail trains are slowest train services of Bangladesh railway with less modern facilities. The mail train of Jamalpur Dhaka routes are
- Dewangonj Commuter
- Jamalpur Commuter
- Vawal Express
- Jamalpur Express
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule

To make a trip from Dhaka to Jamalpur, the very first thing is to know the Dhaka to Jamalpur train timetable. We have provided train schedule of Dhaka to Jamalpur here
Train Name (Code) | Departure time | Arrival time | Off Day |
Aghnibina (735) | 11:30 AM | 3.16 PM | No off day |
Bhrammaputra Express (743) | 6.15 PM | 10.30 PM | No off day |
Jamuna Express (745) | 4.45 PM | 9:22 PM | No off day |
Tista Express (707) | 07.30am | 11.10 AM | Monday |
Dewangonj Comuter (51) | 3.40 pm | 10.15 pm | No off Day |
Jamalpur Comuter(47) | 10.00 am | 01.40 pm | Sunday |
Vawal Express (55) | 9.20 pm | 5.40 pm | No off day |
Jamalpur Express | 10.30 am | 04.05 om | No Off Day |
Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Schedule
Like Dhaka to Jamalpur train Schedule, you should need to know about Jamalpur to Dhaka Train schedule. It is important while you are returning from Jamalpur to Dhaka or traveling to Dhaka. For your help, here is the Dhaka to Jamalpur train schedule.
Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Tista Express | 03:56 pm | 08:25 pm | Monday |
Aghnibina | 07:42 pm | 11:50 pm | No |
Bhrammaputra Express | 07:40 am | 11:55 am | No |
Jamuna Express | 03:11 am | 07:30 am | No |
Jamalpur Express | 5:45 PM | 11:00 PM | No |
Dhaka Jamalpur Intercity Train Schedule
Tista Express
Tista Express runs from Dhaka to Dewangong Bazar and Dewangong to Dhaka. From Dhaka, it starts the journey at 7.30 am in morning and reaches Jamalpur at 11.10 AM. 707-708 is the train code of this train. From Jamalpur station, it leaves Dhaka at 4.00 pm and reaches at 08.10 pm. Monday is the off day of this train.
Aghnibina Express is another intercity train that runs from Dhaka to Jamalpur. From Dhaka and Jamalpur it leaves stations at 11:30 am and 3:16 pm respectively. It carries train codes 735 and 736 from Dhaka and Jamalpur. This code is essential to track the train location. There is no off day at Aghnibina Express. This train reaches Dhaka at 10.35 pm and Jamalpur at 3.05 PM in the afternoon
Bhrammaputra Express
Bhrammaputra Express is running every day in Dhaka to the Dewanganj route. From Dhaka, it starts at 6.15 PM withholding 743 train numbers. It reaches Jamalpur at 10:30 pm. From Jamalpur, it runs at 7:40 am. It takes almost 4 hours to reach Dhaka.
Jamuna Express
Jamuna Express is the train of Dhaka to Tarakandi Route. It has a substation on Jamalpur. So Jamalpur passengers can travel this train to reach the destination. It starts the journey from Dhaka at 4.45 pm in the afternoon and from Jamalpur 3.11 am from Jamalpur. It takes 4-5 hours to reach its destination. The train number is 745- 746
Dhaka Jamalpur mail train Schedule
There are three mail trains which run from Dhaka to Jamalpur route. The trains are Dewangonj Commuter, Jamalpur Commuter, Vawal Express. Out of this train, Jamalpur commuter is the specialized train which runs from Dhaka to Jamalpur. Other train schedules are provided in the above table.
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price
Bangladesh Railway authority has defined the Dhaka Jamalpur train ticket fare. According to the authority the train ticket fare list is given below. All the ticket prices are given for intercity trains. Mail train ticket fare is less than the Intercity trains of Dhaka Jamalpur route
Seat Types | Total Price |
F_CHAIR | 294 BDT |
SHOVAN | 160 BDT |
F_SEAT | 294 BDT |
S_CHAIR | 190 BDT |
As Jamalpur is the district of Mymensingh Division, so you can also follow Dhaka to Mymensingh train schedule. Hope this Dhaka to Jamalpur train schedule will help you to make a plan about Dhaka to Jamalpur or Jamalpur to Dhaka. Have a nice journey.
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