Victory Day of Bangladesh indicates the date of 16th December. On this day in 1971, Bangladesh emerged as a new nation in the world. It is the birthdate of Bangladesh. The birth of independent Bangladesh is the most important event in the history of the Bangalee. The Bangalee continued to protest and battle against the exploitation, suppression, and discrimination of the Pakistani regimes since the movements against British rule.

The Language Movement of 1952, the East Pakistan Provincial Assembly election, the movement against martial law, different student movements, etc. are mentionable among them. Besides, the six points movement, the historic case of Agartala, the movement for cultural rights, the mass uprising of 1969, and the general election of 1970 contributed to the national renaissance of the Bangalees. These incidents and events have accelerated the anti-Pakistan spirit and motivated the people toward Bangalee nationalism. As a result, the mass people took part in the war of independence as it broke out in 1971. Bangladesh achieved total independence through this blood-letting war. This writing guides you about the victory day of Bangladesh
Victory day of Bangladesh History
Since the birth of Pakistan, the West Pakistani rulers could never think of the Bangalees as their own people. Instead of freedom and independence, the Bangalees got all the discrimination; a new foreign ruler in place of the British. The relation between the two wings was that of an exploiter and the exploited class. We became exploited.

The huge disparity and discrimination between the inhabitants of the two wings of Pakistan were visible in every stratum of life like politics, administration, military, economic education, culture, etc. This was a deliberate attempt to keep the Bangalees dominated. But the Bangalees demonstrated their discontent about that in various ways. Finally, they created a new country Bangladesh through the war of liberation.
The Bangalees are fighters. They protested against injustice during the Mughal and British periods. Silence toward the discrimination of the Pakistani rulers was never in their minds. Language movement was the initiation of anti-Pakistan agitation. Although for a brief period, the Bangalees had their first taste of power when they formed the government defeating Muslim League in 1954. The student agitations against the Sharif commission began the movement against the martial law government of Ayub Khan.

Literary conferences and cultural movements in the ’60s were the staging ground for anti-Ayub agitations. A cultural renaissance occurred all over the country including in Dhaka and Chittagong during the celebration of Biswa Kabi Rabindranath Thakur’s birth centenary in 1961. The cultural movements were further stimulated with the birth of “Chhayanata” in the same year. This cultural outfit regularly organized various cultural events and celebrations of different festivals.
This trend toward cultural autonomy continued throughout the ’60s. In 1966 the six points’ proposal was a plan to get rid of all discrimination and attempt to run their own country. When the government rejected the rightful demand of Bangidee, they started 6 points and 11 points movements.

The mass uprising forced the Govt. to withdraw of historic Agartala case (State versus Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others) and the resignation of President Ayub Khan resigned his precedency. The Awami League, under the leadership of Bangabandhu, won an absolute majority in the general election of 1970.
This victory was indeed a huge step toward the goal of our independence. But the Pakistani rulers started hatching conspiracies to delay the transfer of power to the Bangalees and Bangabandhu in captivity of Pakistan playing different games.

On 25 March, at occupation force midnight at march 25, 1971 midnight, the Pakistani military occupation force midnight at march 25, 1971 forces launched a sudden attack on the unarmed Bangalees and started the genocide. They attacked Rajarbeg’s police line. News of the attack was telecast from police line fax. Bangabandhu was arrested on the same night.
Bangabandhu could declare the independence of Bangladesh before his arrest on that night. The liberation war started.
Finally, with the victory on 16 December 1971 Bangalees gave their answer to 24 years of exploitation and discrimination against them by Pakistani rulers. As a result, Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country in the world in exchange for the blood of 30 lack martyrs. 16th December is the victory day for Bangladesh. Since then, Bangladeshi people celebrate 16 December as the national victory day of Bangladesh
51st Victory Day of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is going to observe the 51st victory day in 2025. Different Social, Cultural, and Educational organizations will arrange different programs to celebrate this day. The government also arranged a different program on this day.
Prime Minister and President pay tribute to the Martyrs of the liberation war on the National Mausoleum at Savar. People of all classes show respect and remind the history of martyrs. Educational institutions like schools and colleges arrange competitions on the victory day of Bangladesh drawing, essay writings, etc
Bangladesh Police, Army, Navy, and Air forces will arrange a special program for the memory of Liberation war Martyrs.

16 December is a public holiday in Bangladesh. Major roads, institutions, and buildings are decorated beautifully on this day. Bangladesh Awami league supporters play the historical speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This speech is recognized by UNESCO. Bangladesh Television and Other non-government channels will broadcast a special program on the occasion of the victory day of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Government and people exchange Victory Day Cards Bangladesh to one another.
Victory Day Bangladesh Quotes
Different great people of Bangladesh told different things about Victory day of Bangladesh. There are quotes have been collected here. We have organized the most famous quotes for you. Don’t forget to share these quotes with your friends and family. All the quotes are collected from different sources. These quotes will remind you about the different moments, the struggling period of the Liberation war.
- 16th December is a red-letter day for the people of Bangladesh. A day that deserves to be celebrated. Happy Victory Day of Bangladesh
- The victory day of Bangladesh is a symbol of the immense victory of good against evil! It was a celebration of right against wrong.
- The people of Bangladesh are forever indebted to the supreme sacrifice of every victim of the Liberation war in 1971. Rest in peace and thank you for everything, soldiers.
- Freedom of Bangladesh is a common victory for all the people of the country and they make sure that it is used perfectly.
- The nation has had enough of enemies, let us not add to it by fighting amongst each other. Happy victory day of Bangladesh
This is all about the Victory day of Bangladesh. If you have any questions about the history of Bangladesh as well as the victory day of Bangladesh let me ask. Some people become confused about the victory day in Bangladesh and the Independence Day of Bangladesh. To make it clear, 16 December is the victory day and 25 March is Independence Day in Bangladesh. Wish you a great victory day
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