Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule is the essential part for those who are traveling Sylhet to Dhaka by Bangladesh Railway. If you are visiting Sylhet and looking for the Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule here is the post where you will get all the information here. We have covered all the train Schedule which starts the journey from Sylhet to Dhaka. You will get train ticket prices here.
Important Notice For Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule
The following data are collected from the Bangladesh Railway official site. If the change the data we also update it. Bangladesh Railway authority may change data like ticket price, schedule anytime
Table of Contents
Sylhet to Dhaka Train List
There are two types of trains are available in Sylhet to Dhaka Train journey. These are Intercity Train and Mail Train. Intercity Train has few stoppages. The passenger is limited here. But in the case of Mail train, it takes stoppage to all the stations. Comparatively, the mail train is slower than the intercity train
Intercity Trains of Sylhet to Dhaka
There is four intercity train which runs from Dhaka to Sylhet. These trains are
- Parabat Express ,
- Upaban Express,
- Kalani Express,
- Jayentika Express
All of the above-mentioned trains are runs six days a week except Upaban express. Upaban Express runs every day in a week.
Mail Train
There is only a mail train available on Sylhet to Dhaka route. The train’s name is Surma Mail. It runs 7 days a week
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule 2025
As I have mentioned earlier, there is a total of five trains available on the Sylhet to Dhaka Railway route. One Mail Train Surma Mail and the other four intercity train. Here is the complete Train schedule of Sylhet to Dhaka
Train Code | Train Name | D.Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
710 | Parabat Express | 03:30 pm | 10:15 pm | Tuesday |
718 | Jayentika Express | 12:00 pm | 07:25 pm | Thursday |
740 | Upaban Express | 11.30 pm | 05:45 am | Monday |
774 | Kalni Express | 06.15 am | 01.00 pm | Friday |
According to the Above Train Schedule, Out of 5 trains, 3 trains have off day. These are Parabat Express, Jayentika Express, Kalni Express and Surma mail. They don’t run Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Respectively from Sylhet.
Regarding off Day
The off-day schedule may change on different festivals like Eid, Puja, or any government holiday. Dhaka to Sylhet Train off Day is different from the Sylhet to Dhaka train.
Dhaka To Sylhet Train Schedule

Dhaka to Sylhet train is the same as Sylhet to Dhaka train route. If you are planning to visit Sylhet from Dhaka, then you need to know about the Dhaka to Sylhet Train schedule. For your assistance in planning a trip, we have provided the Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule 2025 in the below table
Train Code | Train Name | D.Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
709 | Parabat Express | 06:30 am | 1.00 pm | Tuesday |
717 | Jayentika Express | 11.15 am | 07.00 pm | Tuesday |
739 | Upaban Express | 10:00 pm | 05:00 am | Wednesday |
773 | Kalni Express | 02:55 pm | 09:30 pm | Friday |
Parabat Express is the first train of Dhaka to Sylhet train Schedule. It doesn’t run on Tuesday. This train departs from Dhaka at 6.30 am in the morning.
Jayentika Express is another intercity train of Dhaka to Sylhet route. It leaves Dhaka station at 11.15 am. It runs 6 days a week and Tuesday is the off day.
Upaban Express is the last intercity express train. It runs 6 days a week. Wednesday is the off day of Upaban Express.
Besides this, there are two mail trains namely Surma Mail and Kalni Express. Kalni Express doesn’t run on Friday. Surma Express starts its journey from Dhaka at 10:50 pm.
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Route
On the Way from Sylhet to Dhaka, all of the trains have several stoppages. The Stoppages vary according to train types. Here we have added all the stoppages according to train name and Number. It is noted that the stoppages are the same for the Dhaka-Sylhet and Sylhet to Dhaka train routes.
Train Name | Sub Station’s Name |
Parabat Express | Azampur, Srimangal , kulaura , SaiestaganJ , Bimanbandor, Brahmanbaria |
Jayentika & Upaban Express | Bimanbandor , Sirajganj, Srimangal, Kulaura, Azampur |
Kalni Express | Shayestaganj, Sreemangal, Kulaura, Sylhet |
The only mail train Surma Express has stoppages on all major Substations on the way to Sylhet to Dhaka train route. That’s the reason why it takes more time to reach the destination.
Sylhet – Dhaka Or Dhaka – Sylhet Train Ticket Price
Whether you visit Dhaka to Sylhet or Sylhet to Dhaka, you have to pay the same ticket prices. But the train ticket price varies from class to class and seat types.
There are eight types of seats available according to the Bangladesh Railway Seat types. Though the seats vary from coach to coach. Mail train doesn’t have higher class seats.
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket Price (Class wise)
Types of Seat | Ticket Price |
S_CHAIR | 320 BDT |
F_SEAT | 489 BDT |
AC_S | 736 BDT |
AC_B | 1099 BDT |
** BDT = Bangladeshi Taka. ( 1 USD = 107 BDT Approx )
How to Buy Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket
There are several processes you can buy Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket.
- You can buy from nearby Railway stations
- You can buy from online. visit
- Purchase ticket from Mobile Apps RailSheba
Parabat Express
Parabat Express runs Dhaka to Sylhet and Sylhet to Dhaka. The train number is 709 & 710. Parabat Express doesn’t run on Tuesday. On its way, the train has 6 stoppages.
Parabat Express Schedule and Routes
Here is a short description of Parabat Express train schedule and routes
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Sylhet | No arrival time | 03:30 pm |
Maijgaon | 04:09 pm | 04:12 pm |
Kulaura | 04:42 pm | 04:45 pm |
Bhanugach | 05:17 pm | 05:19 pm |
Sreemangal | 05:38 pm | 05:41 pm |
Shaistaganj | 06:22 pm | 06:25 pm |
Nayapara | 06:45 pm | 06:47 pm |
Azampur | 07:32 pm | 07:34 pm |
Brahmanbaria | 08:04 pm | 08:08 pm |
Bhairab_Bazar | 08:27 pm | 08:30 pm |
Biman_Bandar | 09:35 pm | None |
Dhaka | 10:15 pm | None |
all types of seats are available on this train. The ticket fare is the same as mentioned earlier. If you have wanted to make the journey to the stoppages, the Ticket fare will be changed.
Jayentika Express
Like Parabat express, Jayentika Express is also an Intercity train. Runs all day in a week. The Train number is 718. On its way, the train has many stoppages. Such as Bimanbandor, Sirajganj , Srimangal ,Kulaura, Azampur substations.
Jayentika Express Time Schedule and Routes
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Sylhet | No arrival time | 12:00 pm |
Maijgaon | 12:48 pm | 12:50 pm |
Kulaura | 01:17 pm | 01:20 pm |
Bhanugach | 02:19 pm | 02:21 pm |
Sreemangal | 02:40 pm | 02:45 pm |
Shaistaganj | 03:22 pm | 03:25 pm |
Shahji_Bazar | 03:37 pm | 03:39 pm |
Nayapara | 03:50 pm | 03:52 pm |
Montola | 04:06 pm | 06:08 pm |
Harashpur | 04:17 pm | 04:19 pm |
Mukundapur | 04:29 pm | 04:31 pm |
Azampur | 04:46 pm | 04:48 pm |
Brahmanbaria | 05:09 pm | 05:13 pm |
Ashuganj | 05:28 pm | 05:30 pm |
Biman_Bandar | 06:47 pm | None |
Dhaka | 07:25 pm | None |
Like Other Intercity Train, all the facilities are available here like a prayer room, canteen for food supply, etc.
Upaban Express
The Train Number of Upaban express is 739. On Wednesdays day the train doesn’t run. It takes Almost seven hours and 30 minutes to reach the destinations. On the Way to its journey, it takes stoppages on Dhaka, Biman Bandar, Bhairab Bazar, Akhaura, Shaistagonj, Srimangal, Bhanugach, Shamshernagar, Kulaura, Maizgaon, Sylhet Substations.
Upaban Express Train Schedule and Routes
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Sylhet | No arrival time | 11:30 pm |
Maijgaon | 12:09 am | 12:11 am |
Baramchal | 12:28 am | None |
Kulaura | 12:43 am | 12:46 am |
Shamshernagar | 01:09 am | 01:11 am |
Bhanugach | 01:20 am | 01:22 am |
Sreemangal | 01:41 am | 01:44 am |
Shaistaganj | 02:30 am | 02:33 am |
Bhairab_Bazar | 04:03 am | 04:06 am |
Biman_Bandar | 05:12 am | None |
Dhaka | 05:45 am | None |
There are every types of seats available in Upaban Express. These are Shovan Chair, F-Chair, First Class Berth, AC . Other facilities like the food Compartment, the Prayer room is available.
Kalni Express
Kalni Express is the latest train that starts its journey on May 15, 2012. There are a total of 12 carriages including AC Carriages. On the Way of its journey, there are several stoppages. These are Narsingdi, Bhairabbazar, Azampur, Shaistaganj, Srimangal, Shamsernagar, Kulaura, Maizgaon.
Kalni Express Train Schedule and Routes
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Sylhet | No arrival time | 06:15 am |
Maijgaon | 06:55 am | 06:57 am |
Kulaura | 07:23 am | 07:26 am |
Shamshernagar | 07:50 am | 07:52 am |
Sreemangal | 08:17 am | 08:20 am |
Shaistaganj | 08:57 am | 09:00 am |
Harashpur | 09:52 am | 09:54 am |
Azampur | 10:20 am | 10:22 am |
Bhairab_Bazar | 11:08 am | 11:10 am |
Narsingdi | 11:40 am | 11:42 am |
Biman_Bandar | 12:22 pm | None |
Dhaka | 01:00 pm | None |
Kalni express provides all types of facilities to their passenger. If you travel, hope you will enjoy the traveling.
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule is one of the best journeys for me. We are here provided all well researched Sylhet to Dhaka train Schedule and ticket price here. if you like this then you can share or let us know through comments.
Thanks for the information update on schedule
Good service for the interest of peoples.
Thanks deserve for the servic.
It’s really helpful