Ekota Express is one of the most popular train services of the Bangladesh Railway. According to the Bangladesh Railway train Service list, it takes the second position among Bangladesh. Ekota Express runs on Dhaka- Panchagarh route. It leaves Dhaka to Panchagarh and After the arrival of Panchagarh, it returns back to Dhaka. By knowing the Ekota Express train schedule, you will be acknowledged about Dhaka to Panchagarh Ekota Express train schedule too. Here we have discussed the Ekota Express train schedule, ticket prices, and Substations with their ticket fare.
Table of Contents
Ekota Express Train Schedule `
Ekota Express is the best train of Dhaka Panchagarh route trains. Ekota Express is the intercity express train with all modern facilities. Ekota Express. While running from Dhaka Ekota Intercity Express train carries 705 number. It departs from Dhaka Kamlapur Railway stations at 10:15 am in the morning. Within 30 minutes of time, it reaches Dhaka Biman Bandar Station. It starts journey at 10:43 am from Biman Bandar Station. Finally, it arrives at Panchagarh Railway stations after 10 hours journey.

On the other hand, the train leaves Panchagarh to reach Dhaka Kamlapur at 9.10 pm and it arrives at Dhaka station at 07:50 am in the morning. It takes almost the same time to reach Dhaka from Panchagarh. The train number is changed from Panchagarh. The Train number is 706.
The following table shows the Ekota express train schedule from Dhaka to Panchagarh and Panchagarh to Dhaka.
Train route | Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Dhaka to B Sirajul Islam Station | 705 | 10:15 am | 09.00 pm |
B Sirajul Islam Station to Dhaka | 706 | 09:10 pm | 07:50 am |
Dhaka to Panchbibi | 705 | 10:15 am | 05:12 pm |
B Sirajul Islam (Panchagar Railway station) to Panchbibi | 706 | 09:10 pm | 01:15 am |
Japypurhat to Dhaka | 706 | 01:31 am | 07:50 am |
Ekota Express Substations and routes
Ekota Express runs from Dhaka and Panchagarh. It is also renowned to the Dhaka-Dinajpur train routes passengers. On its way, it halts on various stoppages. According to the decision of Bangladesh Railway, from those stoppages’ passengers can ins and out. The passenger of the Dhaka to Tangail train route’s also familiar with this.
From Dhaka to Panchagarh the train routes with their stoppage stations are given below. We have also tried to cover the total time duration that takes place to make a journey.
Dhaka to Panchagarh Train schedule of Ekota Express
Station | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Dhaka | No arrival time | 10:15 am |
Biman Bandar | 10:38 am | 10:43 am |
Joydebpur | 11:06 am | 11:08 am |
Tangail | 12:02 pm | 12:04 pm |
BBSetu_E | 12:24 pm | 12:34 pm |
SH M Monsur Ali | 1:00 pm | 1:03 pm |
Ullapara | 1:20 pm | 1:22 pm |
Ishwardi Bypass | 2:21 pm | 2:24 pm |
Natore | 3:03 pm | 3:06 pm |
Santahar | 3:55 pm | 4:00 pm |
Aklepur | 4:20 pm | 4:22 pm |
Joypurhat | 4:49 pm | 4:52 pm |
Panchbibi | 5:12 pm | 5:14 pm |
Birampur | 5:34 pm | 5:37 pm |
Fulbari | 5:48 pm | 5:51 pm |
Parbatipur | 6:15 pm | 6:25 pm |
Chirirbandar | 6:40 pm | 6:42 pm |
Dinajpur | 7:00 pm | 7:05 pm |
Setabganj | 7:35 pm | 7:37 pm |
Pirganj | 7:51 pm | 7:53 pm |
Thakurgaon_Road | 8:15 pm | 8:18 pm |
Ruhia | 8:33 pm | 8:35 pm |
Kismat | 8:42 pm | 8:44 pm |
B Sirajul Islam | 9:00 pm | No departure time |
Panchagar to Dhaka Train schedule of Ekota Express
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
B Sirajul Islam | No arrival time | 9:10 pm |
Kismat | 9:25 pm | 9:27 pm |
Ruhia | 9:34 pm | 9:36 pm |
Thakurgaon_Road | 9:51 pm | 9:54 pm |
Pirganj | 10:16 pm | 10:18 pm |
Setabganj | 10:32 pm | 10:34 pm |
Dinajpur | 11:05 pm | 11:10 pm |
Chirirbandar | 11:30 pm | 11:32 pm |
Parbatipur | 11:50 pm | 11:55 pm |
Fulbari | 12:31 am | 12:34 am |
Birampur | 12:45 am | 12:48 am |
Panchbibi | 1:15 am | 1:17 am |
Joypurhat | 1:28 am | 1:31 am |
Aklepur | 1:45 am | 1:47 am |
Santahar | 2:15 am | 2:20 am |
Natore | 3:13 am | 3:16 am |
Ullapara | 4:27 am | 4:30 am |
BBSetu_E | 5:23 am | 5:25 am |
Tangail | 5:45 am | 5:47 am |
Joydebpur | 6:47 am | 6:50 am |
Dhaka | 7:50 am | No departure time |
From the above station’s list, you may understand that A Passenger can travel from Dhaka to any station above of above list. Like Dhaka to Panchagarh, Dhaka to Santahar or Dhaka to Tangail, Dhaka to Nator or Dhaka to Joydebpur, etc. Th
From the Panchagarh Railway stations, the substations are the same and reversible.
Ekota Express Ticket prices
Like other railway train services, ticket prices differ from class to class and destinations. It has different luxurious classes for different types of passengers. Shovan General, Shovan Chair, AC Berth, and First Class Birth seat types are popular among them. From Dhaka to Panchagarh the Ticket prices are given below.
Destination Name | SNIGDHA | AC_S | S_CHAIR |
B Sirajul Islam (Panchagar) | 1053 BDT | 1260 BDT | 550 BDT |
Dinajpur Station | 892 BDT | 1070 BDT | 466 BDT |
Birampur Station | 794 BDT | 955 BDT | 415 BDT |
Panchbibi Station | 759 BDT | 909 BDT | 395 BDT |
Joypurhat Station | 742 BDT | 892 BDT | 390 BDT |
Akkelpur Station | 719 BDT | 857 BDT | 375 BDT |
Santahar Station | 690 BDT | 823 BDT | 360 BDT |
Bangabandhu Setu (East) | 259 BDT | 311 BDT | 135 BDT |
Tangail Station | 219 BDT | 265 BDT | 115 BDT |
Ekota Express facilities
Ekota Express provides all government-provided facilities to their customers. Separate prayer room for the prayer in travel. Beside this walking way between to compartments, the canteen for food, public toilet, etc are available on Ekota Express.
Video Review of Ekota Express Train
You can watch this video for a better review of the Ekota Express train.
If you would like to travel via Ekota Express, it would be a great experience. Have a great and safe journey. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and families.
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