Dhaka to Bhairab Train Schedule 2025 and Ticket Price – Dhaka to Bhairab train route is one of the busiest routes in Bangladesh. It is considered an important hub between Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet train route. Because almost every train is halted in Bhairab Bazar railway station. Now, in this article, we going to discuss all the Dhaka to Bhairab Bazar train schedule and ticket price. If you are looking for Dhaka to Bhairab train schedule today with the latest information, then the article is perfect for you. So, read this article carefully unless you will miss the important information.

Table of Contents
Dhaka to Bhairab Train Lists
In Dhaka-Bhairab train route, there are two types of train services are available. The train services are – Intercity train and Mail train. In this train route, there are no specific train runs, but several numbers of trains are using the Bhairab Bazar station as a stoppage. Here is the names of all the Intercity train and Mail train which are runs on this route are given below-
Intercity Train Services
- Mahanagar Express
- Mahanagar Provati
- Turna
- Upaban Express
- Parabat Express
- Egarosindhur Provati
- Egarosindhur Godhuli
- Kishoreganj Express
Mail Train Services
- Karnafuli Express
- Chattala Express
- Comilla Comuter
- Titas Comuter
- Surma Mail
- Noakhali Express
- Isha Khan Express
Dhaka to Bhairab Train Schedule 2025
Dhaka to Bhairab is not very far. The total distance from Dhaka to Voirob distance is around 95 kilometers. So, it is not a very long distance from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station. Here, we discuss all the Intercity trains and Mail trains schedule with details information.
Dhaka to Bhairab Intercity Train Services
Intercity train services are very popular among all the train services in our country. The passengers showed much interest in the Intercity train services. If you are searching for an Intercity train service schedule, please read this segment till the end.
Mahanagar Express: Mahanagar Express is an intercity train that runs from Dhaka to the Chittagong route. Mahanagar’s express train number is 722. The train departs from Kamalapur railway station at 9:20 PM and reaches Bhairab Bazar station at 11:00 PM. The Mahanagar express train off day is Sunday.
Mahanagar Provati: An intercity train Mahanagar Provati train also runs in Dhaka-Chittagong routes. Mahanagar Provati’s train code number is 704. It starts its journey at 7:45 AM and arrives at its destination at 9:16 AM. Mahanagar Provati express has no off day.
Turna Express: Turna express is a popular intercity train in the Dhaka-Chittagong route. Turna express train code is 742. The train moves from Kamalapur railway station at 11:15 PM and halts in Bhairab station at 12:49 AM. Turna express train is available for every day in a week.
Upaban Express: It is an intercity train service that runs in the Dhaka-Sylhet route. Upaban express train serial number is 739. It departs at 10:00 PM from Kamalapur railway station and arrives at the destination at 11:40 PM. Upaban express train off day is Wednesday.
Parabat Express: Parabat express is running on Dhaka-Sylhet. It is an intercity train service and its serial number is 709. Parabat express moves from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station at 6:30 AM and reaches in Bhairab station at 08:03 AM. The off-day of Parabat express train is Tuesday.
Egarosindhur Provati: The train is running in Dhaka to the Kishoreganj train route. The code number of this train is 737. It starts at Kamalapur station at 7:15 AM and arrives at the destination at 08:53 AM. Egarosindhur Provati train off day is Wednesday.
Egarosindhur Godhuli: It is also an intercity train service in the Dhaka-Kishoreganj route. Its serial number is 749. The train is running every day of the week. Egarosindhur Provati starts its journey at 6:45 PM from Dhaka railway station and arrives at Bhairab station at 8:30 PM.
Kishoreganj Express: Kishoreganj express train code number is 781. It is an intercity train in the Dhaka-Kishoreganj route. From Kamalapur railway station, the departure time is 10:30 AM and reaches Bhairab station at 12:15 PM. The off-day of Kishoreganj express is Friday.
Dhaka to Bhairab Intercity Train Scedule
Name | Off Day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
Mahanagor Provati | No | Dhaka | 7:45 AM | Bhairab Bazar | 9:16 AM |
Parabat Express | Tuesday | Dhaka | 6:30 AM | Bhairab Bazar | 8:03 AM |
Mahanagor Express | Sunday | Dhaka | 9:20 PM | Bhairab Bazar | 11:00 PM |
Egarosindhur Provati | No | Dhaka | 7:15 AM | Bhairab Bazar | 8:53 AM |
Upaban Express | No | Dhaka | 10:00 PM | Bhairab Bazar | 11:40 PM |
Turna | No | Dhaka | 11:15 PM | Bhairab Bazar | 12:49 AM |
Egaro Sindhur Godhuli | Wednesday | Dhaka | 6:45 PM | Bhairab Bazar | 8:42 PM |
Kishoregonj Express | Friday | Dhaka | 10:45 AM | Bhairab Bazar | 8:30 PM |

Dhaka to Bhairab Mail Train Services
Like all intercity train services, there are also several numbers of Mail trains are available in Dhaka-Bhairab route.
Karnafuli Express: Karnafuli express mail train is running in Dhaka to Chittagong route. The train number is 4. Karnafuli express moves from Dhaka station at 8:30 AM and arrives in Bhairab bazar station at 11:30 AM. There is no off day for Karnafuli express train.
Chattala Express: Another mail train service in the Dhaka-Chittagong route is Chattala express. Its serial number is 68. Chattala express departs from Kamalapur station at 01:00 PM and reaches in Bhairab station at 02:55 PM. Chattala express has no off day.
Comilla Comuter: The destination of Comilla Comuter train is Dhaka to Comilla. The serial number of Comilla Comuter train is 90. It runs from Dhaka railway station at 01:30 PM and arrives in Bhairab station at 03: 40 PM. Comilla Comuter train is available on every day in a week.
Titas Comuter: It is a Mail train in the Dhaka-Akhaura route. The train number is 36. Titas train schedule from Dhaka railway station at 05:40 PM and reaches in destination at 08:10 PM. There is no off day are available for Titas Commuter train.
Surma Mail: Surma mail train is running in Dhaka to Sylhet. The serial number of this mail train is 10. Its departure time from Dhaka station at 10:50 PM and arrival time in Bhairab station at 02:30 AM. The train has no off day.
Noakhali Express: Noakhali express train schedule is Dhaka to Noakhali. It is a mail train service and its code number is 11. It runs from Kamalapur station at 10:10 PM and reaches in Bhairab at 12:20 AM. The train is available for every day on this route.
Isha Khan Express: Isha Khan express train runs in Dhaka to Mymensingh route. The train number of the mail train is 39. Its departure time from Dhaka at 11:40 AM and arrival time is 03:10 PM in Bhairab station. Isha Khan express has no off day.
Bhairab To Dhaka Train Schedule 2025
Here, we also discuss all the trains schedule which are return from Bhairab to Dhaka.

Bhairab to Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
All intercity trains of Chittagong, Kishoreganj, and Sylhet are halts in Bhairab station, whey they are returning to Dhaka. All intercity trains are including with the details time schedule below.
Train Name | Deprature (Bhairab_bazar) | Arrival (Dhaka) |
Turna (741) | 3:33 AM | 5:15 AM |
Upaban Express (740) | 4:06 AM | 5:45 AM |
Egarosindhur Provati (738) | 8:20 AM | 10:30 AM |
Chattala Express (801) | 10:21 AM | 12:10 PM |
Kalni Express (774) | 11:10 AM | 1:00 PM |
Mohanagar Express (721) | 4:57 PM | 6:40 PM |
Kishorganj Express (782) | 5:48 PM | 7:55 PM |
Mahanagar Godhuli (703) | 7:07 PM | 8:55 PM |
Parabat Express (710) | 8:30 PM | 10:15 PM |
Bhairab to Dhaka Mail Train Services
The time schedule for all the Mail trains in Bhairab to Dhaka is given below.
Karnafuli Express: Karnafuli express mail train number is 3. The train moves from Bhairab at 4:30 PM and reaches in Kamalapur station at 7:45 PM. There is no off day for Karnafuli express train from Bhairab to Dhaka.
Chattala Express: Chattala express train number is 67. It departs from Bhairab station at 1:35 PM and reaches in Bhairab station at 3:35 PM. Chattala express is available six days in a week and its off day is Tuesday.
Comilla Comuter: Comilla Comuter train serial number is 89 from Comilla to Dhaka. It starts its journey from Bhairab railway station at 9:00 AM and reaches in Dhaka at 12:50 PM. Comilla Comuter train off day is Tuesday.
Titas Comuter: The train number of Titas Comuter train is 35. Titas train schedule from Bhairab railway station at 1:00 PM and reaches in destination at 3:15 PM. There is no off day are available for Titas Comuter train.
Surma Mail: Surma mail train returns from Sylhet to Dhaka on the same night. The train number of this mail train is 10. Its departure time from Bhairab railway station at 5:10 AM and arrival time in Bhairab station at 9:15 AM. The train has no available off day.
Dhaka Express: Dhaka express train code number is 11. It runs from Bhairab station at 2:20 AM and reaches in destination at 6:40 AM. The train is available for every day on this route.
Isha Khan Express: Isha Khan express train code is 40. It departs from Bhairab at 5:50 PM and arrives at 11:00 PM in Bhairab station. There is no off day for Isha Khan express.
Bhairab to Dhaka Mail Train Schedule
Train No | Name | Off Day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
1 | Dhaka Mail | No | Bhairab Bazar | 4:17 AM | Dhaka | 7:20 AM |
3 | Karnafuli Express | No | Bhairab Bazar | 4:10 PM | Dhaka | 7:40 PM |
10 | Surma Mail | No | Bhairab Bazar | 4:59 AM | Dhaka | 9:15 AM |
11 | Dhaka Express | No | Bhairab Bazar | 1:42 AM | Dhaka | 4:25 AM |
33 | Titas Comuter | No | Bhairab Bazar | 6:06 AM | Dhaka | 8:45 AM |
35 | Titas Comuter | No | Bhairab Bazar | 1:12 PM | Dhaka | 3:20 PM |
40 | Isha Khan Express | No | Bhairab Bazar | 7:34 PM | Dhaka | 11:55 PM |
67 | Chattala Express | Tuesday | Bhairab Bazar | 1:50 PM | Dhaka | 3:50 PM |
Dhaka To Bhairab Train Ticket Price
If you want to travel Dhaka to Bhairab by train, then the necessary things are to know the ticket price. Here, we will show the train ticket price for different seat categories in Dhaka to Bhairab route.
Seat Types | Total Price |
S_CHAIR | 105 BDT |
F_CHAIR | 156 BDT |
F_SEAT | 156 BDT |
AC_S | 236 BDT |
AC_B | 351 BDT |
F_BERTH | 236 BDT |
Dhaka to Bhairab Online Train Ticket Booking
If you want to buy a train ticket for Dhaka to Bhairab from online, you need an account on the official website of Bangladesh Railway. For this, you would go to the link – https://eticket.railway.gov.bd/. Then put your all information which they are required from you. After completing your account, now you can buy your train ticket easily. Also, you can check all the train ticket price with seat category.
In final words, we say thank you very much for reading this article. We try to include all information in Dhaka to Bhairab Train Schedule 2025 and Ticket Price. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you. Have a nice and safe journey.
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