Dhaka to Mymensingh train Schedule is essential to know to make a trip on Dhaka to Mymensingh train route. Making a train journey is always relatable than any other journey on the route. If you know the Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Timetable, then it will be quite easy to buy a ticket to make a trip. I Hope, you have already fixed the schedule of a trip to Mymensingh. This post will help you to make things clear.
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Dhaka Mymensingh trains
There are two types of trains which run from Dhaka to Mymensingh or Mymensingh to Dhaka. According to the Bangladesh Railway authority, these trains can be classified into two types. These are
- Intercity trains
- Mail trains
There are almost intercity trains and mail trains run on this route. We are here describing all the train schedules according to the route. By the end of the post, you will get a route-wise train schedule.
Dhaka to Mymensingh train schedule
Dhaka to Mymensingh train starts the journey from the Dhaka Kamlapur Railway stations. I strongly recommended presenting at the railway stations at least 30 minutes before the departure time. It takes 30 minutes to reach Bimanbandar Station from Kamlapur Railway station. I recommend reaching the station timely.Dhak
Intercity Trains of Dhaka Mymensingh
There are six inter-city trains run on the route. All of the trains have different timetables and off days. Based on your trip timing, you should the best one. Be careful about the off day of the trains.
Tista Express
Tista Express runs from Dhaka to Dewanganj Bazar and Dewanganj Bajar to Dhaka. The train codes 707 and 708 are from Dhaka and Dewanganj. On the way, it halts on Mymensingh. If you like to make a journey in the morning and or want to return in the afternoon, Tista Express would be the best choice.
Tista Express departs from Dhaka at 7.30 AM in the morning and reaches Mymensingh at 10.00 AM. Again, from Mymensingh, the train departs at 05.06 PM. It reaches Dhaka at 08.25 PM
Tista Express halts on its way to Dewanganj in different substations. The Substations are Bimanbandar, Jamalpur, Mymensingh, Joydevpur, and Gaforgaon. Making trips to these substations like Dhaka to Gaforgaon train journey you can follow this schedule too.
Monday is the off-day
Aghnibina Express
Agnibina Express runs on Dhaka to Tarakandi route. On its way, it halts on Mymensingh. So if you want to visit from Dhaka to Mymensingh, you have to know about the Dhaka to Tarakandi Train Schedule.
Agnibina Express departs from Dhaka at 11.30 AM in the morning. It takes almost three hours to reach Mymensingh and six hours to Tarakandi. 735 is the train code from Dhaka.
Similarly, From Mymensingh, it departs at 8:48 PM to Dhaka. In that case, the train number is 736. It reaches Dhaka at 11:50 PM. This train runs seven days a week.
Mohangonj Express
The Name of Mohangonj Express expresses its route. Yes, the train route is Dhaka to Mohangaj. The train starts its journey from Dhaka at 01.15 PM and from Mymensingh at 01.25 AM. It reaches Dhaka at 4.15 AM. As it is very early in the morning, that’s why very few people make a journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka through this train. Mohangonj Express doesn’t run on Monday.
Jamuna express
Like Agnibina Express, Jamuna Express has no off day. It runs seven days a week. The route, Dhaka to Tarakandi, is same as Agnibina. It starts the journey from Mymensingh at 4.30 AM and reaches Dhaka at 7.30 AM.
From Dhaka, Jamuna Express departs at 4.45 PM and Reaches Mymensingh at 7.30 PM. The train number is 745 and 746
Brahmaputra Express
Brahmaputra Express is the train of Dhaka Dewangong Bazar route. From Dhaka the train no. is 743 and from Dewangonj 744. It has stoppages on Mymensingh. The train also runs 7 days a week. 6.15 PM and 08:55 PM is the departure time of Dhaka Kamlapur stations and Mymensingh Railway stations respectively. You can make a journey any day of the week because Bhrammaputra Express has no off-day
Hawr Express
Hawr Express is the train service of the Bangladesh railway which Runs Dhaka to the Mohangonj route. This train operates six-day in a week except for Wednesday. 10.15 PM is the departure time of Hawr express from Dhaka. On the other hand, 10:25 AM in the morning is the time of Departure from Mymensingh. The train code is 778 and 786.
Jamalpur Express
The Jamalpur Express is a intercity train in Bangladesh that goes from Dhaka to Mymensingh. It departure from Dhaka at 10:00 am and arrive in Mymensingh at 12:28 pm. This train inauguration by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on January 26, 2020, it’s has total 620 seats, including 11 air-conditioned and 510 regular seats.
Dhaka to Mymensingh intercity train schedule
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Tista Express (707) | Monday | 7.30 AM | 10.00 AM |
Brahmaputra Express (743) | No | 6.15 PM | 9.10 PM |
Jamuna Express (745) | No | 10.00 AM | 12:28 PM |
Hawr Express (777) | Wednesday | 10.15 PM | 12.50 AM |
Aghnibina Express (735) | No | 11.30 AM | 02.05 PM |
Mohongonj Express (789) | Friday | 01.15 PM | 03.38 PM |
Jamalpur Express (799) | Sunday | 10:00 AM | 12:28 PM |
Mail Trains of Dhaka Mymensingh Route
There is six mail train on the Dhaka Mymensingh route. All of these trains run regularly from Dhaka to Mymensingh and Mymensingh to Dhaka. General people prefer mail train for the low journey fare. The below list will provide an idea about the mail train of this route.
Isha Khan Express
This mail train runs from Dhaka to Mymensingh Route. It departs Dhaka at 11.30 AM in the morning and reaches Mymensingh at 9.45 PM. Similarly, From Mymensingh, it starts its journey at 12.01 AM. The serial number of the train is 40
Mahua Express
This mail train actually runs from Dhaka to Mohongonj. From Dhaka Kamlapur station it leaves at 8.10 AM. On the other side, it starts the journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka at 5.22 PM. 44 is the serial number of the train.
Dewangonj Commuter
Dewangonj Commuter’s destination is expressed by its name. To make a journey from Dhaka to Dewangonj Baar, you can prefer these commuter services. It starts the journey from Dewanganj Bazar at 3.33 PM and 5.40 AM from Dhaka. To make a journey in the morning from Dhaka, this commuter service is one of the best solutions. It takes almost six hours to reach the destination.
Balaka Commuter
Bolaka Commuter is one of the fastest mail train services on the Dhaka Mymensingh route. This commuter service departs from Dhaka at 10.30 AM in the morning and 1.45 pm from Mymensingh railway stations. It takes almost 4 hours to reach its destination. The serial number of this train is 50
Jamalpur Commuter
Jamalpur Commuter, train no 52, which starts the journey to Mymensingh at 3.40 PM and It leaves the Mymensingh Stations at 7.30 AM in the morning. As there is no off day, you can make the journey with this train any day.
Vawal Express
Vawal Express leaves Dhaka station at 9.00 PM at night to Dewangonj of Mymensingh. It takes almost 8 hours to reach the destinations. Similarly, it leaves Mymensingh at 5.30 AM in the morning and after 6 hours of journey, Vawal express reaches Dhaka.
Dhaka to Mymensingh mail train schedule
Dewangonj Commuter (48) | 5.40 AM | 11.45 AM |
Jamalpur Commuter (52) | 3.40 PM | 6.15 PM |
Bolaka Commuter (50) | 10.30 AM | 2.10 PM |
Ishakhan Express (40) | 11.30 AM | 9.45 PM i |
Mohua Express (44) | 8.10 AM | 2.50 PM |
Vawal Express (56) | 9.00 PM | 5.40 AM |
Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule
Mymensingh to Dhaka train Schedule is also different from the Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule. If you are returning from Mymensingh to Dhaka, you can follow the following train schedule to reach your destinations.
Mymensingh to Dhaka intercity train schedule
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Tista Express (707) | Monday | 05:06 pm | 08:25 pm |
Brahmaputra Express (743) | No | 08:55 am | 11:55 am |
Jamuna Express (745) | No | 04:30 am | 07:30 am |
Hawr Express (777) | Thursday | 10:25 am | 01:40 pm |
Aghnibina Express (736) | No | 08:48 pm | 11:50 pm |
Mohongonj Express (790) | Friday | 01:25 am | 04:15 am |
Jamalpur Express (800) | 07:58 pm | 10:40 pm |
Mymensingh to Dhaka mail train schedule
Dewangonj Commuter (48) | 3:33 PM | 7:25 PM |
Jamalpur Commuter (52) | 07.33 AM | 11:15 AM |
Balaka Commuter (50) | 1:52 PM | 5:40 PM |
Ishakhan Express (40) | 2:00 PM | 11.55 AM |
Mahua Express (44) | 5.35 PM | 8:10 PM |
Vawal Express (56) | 5:55 AM | 12:05 PM |
Dhaka Mymensingh train ticket prices
Like another train of Bangladesh Railway Dhaka – Mymensingh route train has different seat classes. The prices of the train vary according to the class. To make a trip on this route you need to know about the Dhaka to Mymensingh Train ticket fare. We have here updated it according to the different seat classes.
Seat Types | Ticket Price |
F_SEAT | 213 BDT |
F_CHAIR | 213 BDT |
SHOVAN | 120 BDT |
AC_S | 322 BDT |
AC_B | 483 BDT |
S_CHAIR | 140 BDT |
Video Review of Dhaka Mymensingh Train
From the above-mentioned train schedule, you will get the complete idea about Dhaka to Mymensingh Train schedule as well as Mymensingh to Dhaka train timetable. You have noticed that there are no dedicated train services on the Dhaka Mymensingh route. All the intercity trains have stoppages on Mymensingh. Passengers usually use this facility to make the journey by train to or from Mymensingh. Have a safe journey
some wrong information are given there
Check the schedule properly. Some time table has been changed 5 years back.Thank you.