If you want to visit Dhaka to Khulna by train, then you must know the Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule with their Ticket price. There are several train services are available on Dhaka to Khulna Route. We are here going to provide you with a complete train schedule with their ticket prices.
Here we cover all the train services on Dhaka to Khulna route as well as Khulna to Dhaka route. Both intercity and Mail train schedule is available here.

Table of Contents
Dhaka to Khulna Route Trains
There are two intercity trains available on this route. These two trains serve the majority of the people for the Dhaka Khulna train Journey. Reversely, this train also provides the Khulna to Dhaka Train services.
The trains are Sundarban Express, Chitra Express
Sundarban Express
Sundarban Express is one of the Oldest trains in Dhaka to Khulna route. If you want to make a journey in the daytime, then Sundarbar Express is the best choice for you. Sundarban Express starts its journey at 8:15 AM in the morning from Dhaka and reaches Khulna at 3:50 PM. The train runs 6 days a week from Dhaka except for Wednesday.
Similarly, Sundarban Express starts its journey at 10:15 PM from Khulna and Reaches Dhaka at 07:00 am. Except for Tuesday, Sundarban Express runs 6 days a week. You can check at a glance view from the below table. Also, you can check the Sundarban Express train schedule.
Sundarban Express Train Ticket Price
In every train of Bangladesh railway, there are several types of seats according to the class. The train ticket price varies according to the class. Like Other trains, Sundarban Express has a wide variety of seat classes. The ticket price of different classes of Sundarban Express train is given below.
Ticket Types | Total Price |
AC_S | 1145 BDT |
S_CHAIR | 500 BDT |
Sundarban Express train Routes
On its journey, Sundarban Express has several stoppages. We are here providing all stoppages list with their departure time here. We decorate it according to the Departure station from Dhaka to Khulna or Khulna to Dhaka. Hope it will be helpful for you.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Dhaka | No arrival time | 8:15 am |
Bhanga | 9:26 am | 9:45 am |
Faridpur | 10:05 am | 10:20 am |
Rajbari | 10:40 am | 10:50 am |
Pangsha | 11:13 am | 11:15 am |
Kushtia_Court | 11:47 am | 12:33 pm |
Poradaha | 12:15 pm | 12:20 pm |
Alamdanga | 12:35 pm | 12:37 pm |
Chuadanga | 12:53 pm | 12:56 pm |
Darshana_Halt | 1:21 pm | 1:24 pm |
Kotchandpur | 1:48 pm | 1:50 pm |
Mubarakganj | 2:02 pm | 2:04 pm |
Jashore | 2:32 pm | 3:00 pm |
Noapara | 3:03 pm | 4:20 pm |
Daulatpur | 3:30 pm | 3:32 pm |
Khulna | 3:50 pm | No departure time |
Chitra Express
Chitra Express is another train of Dhaka to Khulna train schedule. This train has 12 passenger coaches. It can carry 881 passengers at a time. All types of modern facilities are available on the Chitra Express. The Train number of Chitra Express is 763 and 764.
Chittra Express Train Schedule
Chitra Express starts the journey from Khulna at 09.00 am in morning. It takes almost 10 hours to reach Dhaka. Chitra Express trains arrive at Dhaka at 05.55 pm. 30 minutes later, it returns back to Khulna. From Dhaka, it starts its journey at 7.30 pm in the evening and reaches Khulna at 5:00 AM. Sunday is the off day of Chitra Express.
Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule

As there are only two trains which run from Dhaka to Khulna. We have discussed the details of those trains in the above description. Here is a glance view of the Dhaka to Khulna train schedule 2025.
Name of Train | Off day | Departure Time | Arrival |
Sundarban express | Wednesday | 8:15 AM | 3:50 PM |
Chitra Express | Sunday | 7:30 PM | 5.00 AM |
Khulna to Dhaka Train Schedule
Khulna to Dhaka train is the same as the Dhaka to Khulna train Schedule. Just the timetable s different. Keep in mind about the off day of those days,
Name of Train | Off day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Chitra Express | Sunday | 09.00 am | 06.05 pm |
Sundarban Express | Tuesday | 09:45 PM | 05.10 am |
Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price
Dhaka to Khulna and Khulna to Dhaka train ticket prices are the same. Ticket price varies according to class. The below table will provide clear information.
Class Name | Total Price |
AC_S | 1145 BDT |
S_CHAIR | 500 BDT |
That’s all about Dhaka to Khulna train schedule with their ticket price. Here we just mentioned the schedule of the Sundarban Express and Chitra Express train for Dhaka to Khulna route. For details about this train, you can visit the Sundarban Express train Schedule and Chitra Express Train Schedule. If you have any questions regarding Dhaka to Khulna Train timetable let me know through the comment form. We will assist you with this.
Poradah to dhaka
Dhaka to Khulna train time schedule has changed that is not updated. Please update