If you want to make the journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur Train journey, you need to know about the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule. Bangladesh Railway provides the train services in this route. According to the Bangladesh Railway train services, here we have described all the schedule with their details here.
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Dhaka to Dinajpur Train List
Bangladesh railway provides two train services in this route. According to the Bangladesh Railway, the train names are
- Ekota Express
- Drutajan Express
Both of these trains run Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to Dhaka. If you want to visit, you need to know about this train schedule. We have provided details schedule below.
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule

As we have mentioned earlier, there are two trains run on this route. For Dhaka To Dinajpur, the trains start their journey in the morning. Ekota Express starts the journey at 10.10 am in the morning and arrives in Dinajpur at 7.00 pm. Similarly, Drutajan Express departs from Dhaka at 08.00 pm in the morning and reaches Dinajpur Railway station at 04.00 AM. One should remind that Ekota Express doesn’t run on Tuesday from Dhaka. Before making a trip you should care about it.
Train No. | Train Name | Off day | Departure | Arrival |
705 | Ekota Express | No | 10.10 AM | 07.00 PM |
757 | Drutajan Express | No | 08.00 PM | 04.00 AM |
Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule
The same two trains run from Dinajpur to Dhaka. While making a journey, you should aware of the Dinajpur to Dhaka train Schedule. Ekota Express departs from Dinajpur at 23.00 and reaches Dhaka at 8.10 in the morning. Similarly, Drutojan Express runs from Dinajpur at 9.15 am in the morning and arrives in Dhaka at 18.10. Monday and Wednesday is the off day of Ekota Express and Drutojan Express respectively.
Train No | Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
706 | Ekota Express | Monday | 23:00 pm | 8:10 am |
758 | Drutajan Express | Wednesday | 9:15 AM | 18:10 pm |
Ekota Express
Ekota Express is one of the most popular trains on Dhaka to Dinajpur Route. It runs six days a week. If you want to make the journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur or Dinajpur to Dhaka via train, then it will be your best choice. Not only that, but you can also visit different substations of Ekota Express. Ekota Express doesn’t run on Tuesday from Dhaka and Monday from Dinajpur. The Train Number of Ekota Express is 705 from Dhaka and 706 from Dinajpur.
Drutajan Express
Drutojan Express is another intercity train of Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to the Dhaka route. If you want to make a train journey on the Dhaka Dinajpur route, Drutojan Express is another choice of yours. It runs 7 days a week from Dhaka and six days from Dinajpur. Wednesday is the off day Drutojan Express. Drutojan Express train number is 757 and 758 respectively from Dhaka and Dinajpur.
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket Price
Here is the complete list of Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket price. We are glad to remind you that, train ticket price depends on the train seat class. There are different categories of seat classes in Bangladesh Railway. You can choose according to your budget and choices. In the below table, we have mentioned the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket fare.
Seat Class | Ticket Fare |
Shovon | 360 BDT. |
1st Birth | 855 BDT. |
AC Birth | 1478 BDT. |
AC Seat | 983 BDT. |
First Seat | 570 BDT. |
Shovon Chair | 430 BDT. |
Snigdha | 822 BDT. |
Dhaka to Dinajpur Mail train
Dhaka to Dinajpur is a long journey. The intercity train is the best choice for you. Unfortunately, Bangladesh Railway doesn’t provide any mail train services on this route. So, there is no mail train available for Dhaka Dinajpur Train journey
Video Review of Dhaka Dinajpur Train
This is all about the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule and Ticket fare. If you have decided which train service you want to make a journey then book the train ticket and get ready for the journey. You can book a ticket online. Do you know how to book a train ticket online? We have mentioned everything according to the Bangladesh railway official website. If you have any questions let us ask through the comments. We promise to answer your question to assist you.
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