Planning a trip from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar? Here, you will find the Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Schedule with Ticket Prices for both the Cox’s Bazar Express and Parjatak Express trains. The Cox’s Bazar Express start its journey on December 1st, 2023, marking as the first train on this route. To ensure a comfortable and affordable travel experience from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar, let’s go through with the details of the train schedule and ticket prices for 2024.

Dhaka To Cox’s Bazar Intercity Train List
There are only two trains going from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar and coming back from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka. There are limited options for train travel on this route right now. These trains are:
- Cox’s Bazar Express
- Parjatak Express
Dhaka To Cox’s Bazar Train Schedule
There are two trains operating on this route, and Coxs Bazar Express (814) do not run on Monday. If you’re interested in booking a ticket from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar, don’t wait any longer just check out this list.
Train Name | From | Departure Time | To | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Parjotak Express (816) | Dhaka | 06:15 am | Cox’s Bazar | 03:00 pm | Sunday |
Coxs Bazar Express (814) | Dhaka | 10:30 pm | Cox’s Bazar | 07:20 am | Monday |
Cox’s Bazar Express
Cox’s Bazar Express, the first commercial train in Cox’s Bazar, started its non-stop service between Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar railway station on December 1, 2023. This train holds the number 814 from Dhaka and 813 from Cox’s Bazar. The train operates six days a week, with Tuesday as a off day for 813 and Monday for 814. Its stoppages are Dhaka Airport, Chattogram, and Cox’s Bazar.
Cox’s Bazar Express Train Schedule and Sub-stations from Dhaka
From the below section, you can easily find out Cox’s Bazar Express train sub-stations along with its departure and arrival time.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Dhaka | N/A | 10:30 PM |
Biman_Bandar | 10:53 PM | 10:58 PM |
Chattogram | 3:40 AM | 4:00 AM |
Cox’s Bazar | 7:20 AM | N/A |
Parjatak Express
The Parjatak Express is the latest train in Cox’s Bazar, running between Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar railway station since January 10, 2024. It’s the second commercial train serving in this route, offering more comfortable traveling. The Parjatak Express holds the number 815 and 816 and it connects Dhaka, Dhaka Airport, Chittagong, and Cox’s Bazar six days a week, with a off day on Sunday.
Parjatak Express Train Schedule and Sub-stations from Dhaka
In the following part, you can effortlessly get the Parjatak Express train sub-stations, along with when it departs and arrives.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Dhaka | N/A | 06:15 am |
Biman_Bandar | 06:38 am | 06:43 am |
Chattogram | 11:20 am | 11:40 am |
Cox’s Bazar | 03:00 pm | N/A |

Dhaka To Cox’s Bazar Train Ticket Price
Check the ticket prices for the Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar train to plan your trip. Know the fares for a budget-friendly journey.
Seat Types | Total Price |
SNIGDHA | 1325 BDT |
S_CHAIR | 695 BDT |
Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Train Schedule
Previously, we mentioned that currently, there are two intercity trains available on this route the Cox’s Bazar Express and the Parjatak Express. Now, you can also enjoy a comfortable journey from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka via train. Below, we are going to provide the schedule for both trains.
Cox’s Bazar Express Train Schedule
Check the sub-stations and schedule of Cox’s Bazar Express train from Cox’s Bazar. Note that Cox’s Bazar Express does not run on Tuesday. Its start journey from Cox’s Bazar at 3:40 pm and reach Dhaka at 9:10 pm.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Cox’s Bazar | N/A | 12:30 PM |
Chattogram | 3:40 PM | 4:00 PM |
Dhaka | 9:10 PM | N/A |
Parjatak Express Train Schedule
See the stoppage, arrival and departure time for Parjatak Express train from Cox’s Bazar. Remember, Parjatak Express off day on Sunday. At 8:00 pm Parjatak Express starts on the way to Dhaka and arrive in Kamalapur stations at 4:30 am.
Stations | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Cox’s Bazar | N/A | 8:00 PM |
Chattogram | 10:50 PM | 11:15 PM |
Dhaka | 4:30 AM | N/A |
That covers everything regarding the Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Schedule and Ticket Prices. So, if you’re thinking about the journey from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar, you can travel with the Cox’s Bazar Express and the Parjatak Express. These two trains offer a budget-friendly travel option, ensuring a comfortable journey on this route. Don’t forget to check out the schedule and ticket prices for your trip planning.
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