Dhaka to Chittagong Bus ticket price varies according to the coach types and facilities. There are different types of coach are running from Dhaka to Chittagong. If you are looking for the Dhaka to Chittagong Bus Ticket fare, then you should go through the post. Here we have covered the details of Dhaka to Chittagong […]
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule
If you want to make the journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur Train journey, you need to know about the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule. Bangladesh Railway provides the train services in this route. According to the Bangladesh Railway train services, here we have described all the schedule with their details here. Dhaka to Dinajpur Train […]
Parabat Express Train Schedule and Ticket Price
Parabat Express Train Schedule and Ticket Price – Parabat Express has been nominated as one of the most luxurious and prestigious train services from Bangladesh Railway. It connects the capital city Dhaka and Sylhet. Parabat express has a great demand for its excellent services. There are many train services are available on the Dhaka-Sylhet route. […]