BCS-Bangladesh Civil Service is the largest competitive exam in Bangladesh. Almost everyone dreams of becoming a BCS Cadre. So, you too must be dreamed to be a BCS cadre. Are you well prepared for the upcoming BCS preliminary exam? Are you very sure that the way you are making your preparation is all good? Don’t you need any kind of help? Don’t be so impatient guys. Today we are going to talk about the BCS books list which may help you to take proper preparation. Let’s go through it…
Table of Contents
BCS preparation Book List PDF
It’s very common you have already started preparing for the upcoming preliminary exam. yeah, it’s totally natural candidates of our country start their preparation very early for this adorable job. Just because all want to lead an honorable or can say royal social status. So, let’s see how you get to prepare yourself for this comparative exam. Foremost we are talking about the book lists for BCS preparation.

Be aware about one thing to be passed only in the BCS preliminary exam is not enough to be a cadre you have to pass the written exam too. So, it’s a wise decision to make the proper preparation for both preliminary and written exams. To make proper preparation the books I think important are listed below.
Common book list BCS
Most of the time the candidates do that they buy lots of books. But these don’t make any work at all. Nowadays there are so many people who are already a BCS cadre & help the candidates with such of thing. Here is the list of some common books for all subjects based on their opinion
- 10th to last BCS Preli question bank with solution
- Two BCS/Preliminary Digest- Assurance & BCS Inception
- Current affairs- monthly, yearly & BCS Special series)
- Bangladesh Constitution (সংবিধান)
- BCS map
- Full set of Oracle or MP3 publications book.
- Job solution – Professor Publication
Bangla grammar & literature
For making a good result in preliminary, written and viva exam of BCS Bangla grammar & literature is very important. Analyzing the previous questions, we get some common topics. Here is the list of the topics
- বাগধারা এবং প্রবাদ
- শুদ্ধ-অশুদ্ধ
- বাংলা ভাষার শব্দ
- সন্ধি
- বর্ণমালা ও ধ্বনি
- বাংলা বানান
- সমার্থক শব্দ
- উপসর্গ
- কারক
- প্রত্যয়
- শব্দ প্রকরণ ও পারিভাষিক শব্দ
Based on all of these topics here I have prepared a book list to make the preparation for Bangla literature & grammar. The topics I have mentioned already are very frequent in the exam. So, you can prepare yourself by following this list.
Book name | Writer Name |
Bangla 1st and 2nd paper Textbook | 9th-10th class |
Lal Nil Dipabali (History of Bangla Literature) | Dr. Humayun Azad |
Koto Nodi Sarobor (Bengali language history) | Dr. Humayun Azad |
Bangla Bhasa O Sahitto Jiggasha | Dr. Soumitra Shekhar |
Agradut Bangla | Mofizul Islam Milon |
Bhasa o Shikkha | Hayat Mamud |
BCS Preliminary Bangla Guide | MP3 |
Bangla Quosh | Jewel Kibriya |
English Grammar books for bcs
One of the most competitive subjects of the preliminary exam. To make the best preparation for it you just need to follow some basic tactics. At first, make an analysis of the previous year’s questions. Then lists the hot topics. You should be emphasized on vocabulary and grammar. In the grammar part, you must study group verbs, idioms, and phrases, appropriate prepositions, translation, antonym-synonym, analogy, etc. to make the best preparation on grammar try to complete daily at least a single topic. Here I mention some book lists you can check.
Book Name | Writer |
English for Competitive Exams | Md. Fazlul Haque |
Common Mistakes in English | T. J. Fitikides |
Applied English Grammar and Composition | P. C. Das |
English Grammar | Raymond Murphy |
Tactics for Effective Reading and Critical Thinking | S. M. Zakir Hossain |
A Passage to the English Language | S. M. Zakir Hossain |
An ABC of English Literature | Dr. M Mofizar Rahman |
English Grammar | Wren & Martin |
Saifur’s IELTS Writing | Saifur’s |
Saifur’s Student Vocabulary | Saifur’s |
Bangladesh & International Affair
For this section, you should read daily newspapers especially Daily Star and Prothom Alo besides the books. To be updated yourself you must have to. Keep in mind to be a BCS cadre you have to gather vast knowledge. Besides it to make clear your knowledge you should read the books. Here is a book list:
- Monthly Current Affairs
- MP3/Oracle/Professor’s Bangladesh & International Affairs
- Confidence International
- আব্দুল হাই এর বাংলাদেশ বিষয়াবলী
- মাধ্যমিক ভূগোল (৯ম শ্রেণী)
- মাধ্যমিক ইতিহাস (৯ম শ্রেণী)
- মাধ্যমিক সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান
- বাংলাদেশ এবং পৃথিবীর মানচিত্র ও মানচিত্র বিশিষ্ট বই
BCS Math books for bcs
It’s very easy to score well in math. As you know that the preliminary exam is held on the MCQ system so it’s quite normal the question will become from the basics. So, to make a good score in the mathematical part you should be strong in your basic knowledge in math. To make strong basic at first analyze the previous year’s question. Just make a shortlist of the topics from which most of the questions came in the previous year. Go through with your list and start practicing. Just keep in mind to give your best in such a comparative exam there is no way without making practice more and more. Here is a list of BCS math books, hopefully, it will make easier your task.
- Professor’s Math Special
- Oracle BCS math Preli
- General math books (Class 6-10)
- In additional Khairul’s Math
- Zakir’s Math
- MP3 math
General science: BCS book list
Another important part of this comparative exam. Don’t get panicked. Scoring well in BCS general science is also as easy as other subjects. Like other topics be prepare yourself for this too. The following list of Books will help you for BCS preliminary preparation as well as written Exam
- General Science (Academic 8th -10th standard)
- Academic Physics (class 9-10)
- Biology (class 9-10)
- Chemistry (class 9-10)
- Daily Science by Dr. Jamil’s
- Daily Science of MP3 Series
Computer knowledge book list for BCS
- Information Communication & Technology (Textbook of 9-10 class)
- Higher Secondary ICT (Academic 1st & 2nd standard)
- Easy Computers and Information Technology – George Series
- Radical Computer Guide
BCS Mental ability:BCS preparation books
- Professor’s Mental ability
- Khairul’s Mental ability
- Oracle Mental ability
Morality & values & good governance
- George Morality, Values and Good Governance Guide
- Secondary Pouroniti
- Higher Secondary Pouroniti (1st & 2nd paper)
- Assurance Guide
Geography, Environment & Disaster Management: BCS books
- Secondary Geography and Environmental Science Books (9th-10th)
- MP3 Environment & Disaster Management
- George Geography, Environment, and Disaster Management Guide
- Assurance guide
BCS Written Book List
After passing the preliminary test the toughest way to cross is the BCS Written exam. But it will also be quite easy if you maintain regularity. The total mark of the BCS Written exam is 900. So, you can imagine how much tough it is! Before I mention the BCS written book list let’s check the subjects for the written tests.
- Bangla (1st & 2nd paper)
- English
- Bangladesh affairs
- International affairs
- Mathematical reasoning
- Mental ability
- General Science & Technology
So, these is the subjects where Bangla, English & Bangladesh affairs each of the subjects consist 200 marks. For International affairs 100 marks, Mathematical reasoning and mental ability 50 marks and general science and technology 100 marks. That means any candidates have to do well in Bangla, English, and Bangladesh affairs to get a pass on BCS written exam. Here is a list of BCS Written exam books:
- Assurance/Oracle/Professor Bangla guide
- লাল নীল দীপাবলি(প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগের বাংলা সাহিত্য)
- শীকর- মোহসীনা নাজিলা
- বাংলা ২য় পত্র (৯ম ও ১০ম শ্রেণী)
- ভাষা ও শিক্ষা – হায়াত মামুদ
- English Reading Skill by Prof Ataul Haque / Assurance English Written book: Comprehension
- Assurance English written book: grammar, letter, Essay
- Assurance Bangladesh affairs
- সংবিধান
- অর্থনৈতিক সমীক্ষা ২০২১
- Assurance International affairs
Here I have just listed just some important books. If you want BCS Written exam book pdf download link you can tell us through the comment.
Again, I’m saying they make questions from the basic parts. As all discipline’s students take part in this exam so they make such types of questions. But as usual to be the best you must have to be different. So, do something better than others. You will be a winner in the end. So that’s all today. Want something more? Then just make a comment on the comment box. Wish you a very Goodluck!!
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