Are you looking for 26 March Picture For Whats app & Facebook? Here is some best collection of images of Bangladesh Independence Day. You can use this free for your personal. Have a great celebration of Independence Day of Bangladesh. 26 March is the Independence of Bangladesh.
If you want to know about Independence Day of Bangladesh Date & Short History. Check this article of Bangladesh independence day 2022 with history or if you are a student you can go through the Independence Day paragraph. Besides this, We have added a short history of the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
Short History of 26 March Independence Day of Bangladesh
Awami League, under the leadership of Bangabandhu, won an absolute majority in the general election of 1970. This victory was indeed a huge step toward the goal of our independence. But the Pakistani rulers started hatching conspiracies to delay the free transfer of power to the Bengalese and playing different games. On 25 March, at midnight, Pakistani military occupation force midnight at March 25, 1971, forces launched a sudden attack on unarmed Bengalese mid started a genocide.
They attacked the Rajarbag police line. News of the attack was telecast from police line fax. Bangabandhu was arrested on the same night. Bangabandhu could declare the independence of Bangladesh before his arrest at night. The liberation war started. Finally, with a victory on 16 1971 Bengalese gave an answer to 24 years of exploitation and discrimination against them by Pakistani rulers. As a result, Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country in the world in exchange for the blood of 30 lack martyrs.
26 March Picture
That’s all About Bangladesh independence day as well as 26 March picture. We have tried our best to provide the best HD 26 March image for your self.

You can use the above 26 March picture without any hesitation in your social media account like facebook wall, facebook cover photo, send it to the friends via WhatsApp,
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