Dhaka to Joydebpur Train schedule 2025 has been discussed in detail here. Joydebpur is the region of the Gazipur district. The distance between Dhaka to Joydebpur is very short. Most of the trains run from Dhaka via Joydebpur. So, visiting Joydebpur is quite easy to journey. The distance between Dhaka to Joydebpur is 33 Kilometers. Below we have discussed the Dhaka Joydebpur route train schedule which is defined by Bangladesh Railway.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Joydebpur Train list
As we have mentioned earlier, there are only two dedicated trains on this route. The train names are
- Turag Express
- Joydebpur Commuter
Besides this, there are many other trains which run via Joydebpur. A passenger can make a trip through those trains. These can be divided into two different types.
- Intercity trains
- Mail trains
Several intercity trains run on this route. Bangladesh Railway authority authorizes this train to this route. Here is the train list of all Intercity train which runs Dhaka to Joydebpur and Joydebpur to Dhaka route.
Train Name | Train No. |
Dhumketu Express | 769 |
Jamalpur Express | 799 |
Ekota Express | 705 |
Silkcity Express | 753 |
Sirajganj Express | 776 |
Jamuna Express | 745 |
Chilahati Express | 805 |
Tangail Commuter | 1033 |
Brahmaputra Express | 743 |
Chitra Express | 764 |
Drutojan Express | 757 |
Lalmoni Express | 751 |
Hawr Express | 777 |
Padma Express | 759 |
There are several mail trains also run on this route. The mail trains are Balaka Express, Dewangonj Express, Mohua Commuter, Jamalpur Commuter, Vawal Express, Turag Express, Tangail Commuter-1, Kaliakoire Express-1.

Dhaka to Joydebpur Intercity Train Schedule 2024
Here is the Dhaka to Joydebpur Intercity train schedule 2025. We have added Departure time from Dhaka and the arrival time of Joydebpur. We have also mentioned the off day of Dhaka to Joydebpur trains. While visiting to train, it would be helpful for you. All of these trains are intercity trains. It takes approximately one hour to reach Joydebpur station. The train starts its journey from Dhaka Kamlapur Railway stations.
Train Name | Deprature (Dhaka) | Arrival (Joydebpur) | Off Day |
Dhumketu Express | 06:00 am | 06:50 am | Thursday |
Jamalpur Express | 10:00 am | 10:49 am | Sunday |
Ekota Express | 10:15 am | 11:06 am | None |
Silkcity Express | 02:40 pm | 03:30 pm | Sunday |
Sirajganj Express | 04:15 pm | 04:15 pm | Saturday |
Jamuna Express | 04:45 pm | 05:34 pm | None |
Chilahati Express | 05:00 pm | 05:51 pm | Saturday |
Tangail Commuter | 06:00 pm | 06:50 pm | Friday |
Brahmaputra Express | 06:15 pm | 07:05 pm | None |
Chitra Express | 07:30 pm | 08:20 pm | Sunday |
Drutojan Express | 08:00 pm | 08:53 pm | None |
Lalmoni Express | 09:45 pm | 10:36 pm | Friday |
Hawr Express | 10:15 pm | 11:05 pm | Wednesday |
Padma Express | 10:45 pm | 11:36 pm | Tuesday |
Dhaka to Joydebpur mail train timetable
The Mail trains also run on this route. There are many trains on this route. As the journey length is short, you can also visit through mail trains. The mail train schedules are given below.
Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Joydebpur Comuter-1 | 09:15 | 10:30 | Friday |
Joydebpur Comuter-2 | 10:45 | 12:00 | Friday |
Joydebpur Comuter-3 | 12:40 | 14:00 | Friday |
Joydebpur Comuter-4 | 15:20 | 17:10 | Friday |
Turag Express | 7:50 | 9:15 | Friday |
Turag Express | 19:10 | 20:25 | Friday |
Joydebpur to Dhaka train Schedule 2024
There are some trains also Joydebpur to Dhaka. Here we have added all the train schedules of Joydebpur to Dhaka. Departure time and arrival time have been added. Joydebpur Commuter and Turag Express don’t run on Friday. Below list is the intercity train schedule
Train Name | Depature (Joydebpur) | Arrival (Dhaka) | Off Day |
Dhumketu Express | 03:52 am | 05:00 am | Wednesday |
Jamuna Express | 06:14 am | 07:30 am | None |
Ekota Express | 06:50 am | 07:50 am | None |
Tangail Commuter | 08:12 am | 09:40 am | Friday |
Sirajganj Express | 09:16 am | 10:10 am | Saturday |
Silkcity Express | 12:23 pm | 01:20 pm | Saturday |
Hawr Express | 12:37 pm | 01:40 pm | Sunday |
Chilahati Express | 01:53 pm | 02:50 pm | Thursday |
Chitra Express | 05:11 pm | 06:05 pm | Saturday |
Drutojan Express | 06:00 pm | 06:55 pm | Sunday |
Lalmoni Express | 06:43 pm | 07:40 pm | None |
Padma Express | 08:25 pm | 09:25 pm | Friday |
Dhaka to Joydebpur dedicated Train Services
As we have mentioned earlier, there are two dedicated train services on this route. This train is only for Dhaka to Joydebpur and Joydebpur to Dhaka.
Turag Express runs from Dhaka to Joydebpur and Joydebpur to Dhaka. It makes daily two trips from Dhaka to Joydebpur and Joydebpur to Dhaka. From Joydebpur it runs and 7:50 and 9:15 and it takes more than one hour to reach the destinations. Friday is the off day of Turag Express. Like Turag Express, Joydebpur Commuter is also run on the same route. It runs two times daily. The train schedule of the Joydebpur Dhaka route is given in the above table.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Ticket Price 2024
Dhaka to Joydebpur train ticket price varies on class and train types. The price range is 50 Bangladeshi Taka to 150 Bangladeshi Taka. Monthly Ticket is also available on for the Dhaka to Joydebpur.
Seat Types | Ticket Price |
AC Berth | 150 BDT |
Snigdha Chair | 115 BDT |
Shovon Chair | 50 BDT |
Video review of Dhaka Joydebpur train
This is all about Dhaka to Joydebpur and Joydebpur to Dhaka Train Schedule 2025. If you are confused about any schedule let us know. We will update the data if the Bangladesh Railway authority changes the schedule. Have a safe journey.
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